Probably Wednesdays because it’s right in the middle and I usually have multiple work meetings. Mondays aren’t usually too bad because I’m rested from the weekend.
Probably Wednesdays because it’s right in the middle and I usually have multiple work meetings. Mondays aren’t usually too bad because I’m rested from the weekend.
Outer Wilds is one of my favorite games, but I can see a lot of ways it isn’t for everyone.
Try a controller if you can, like others have mentioned.
It took me a long time to get used to the space navigation/flying and towards the end of the game I still sometimes crashed horribly into things. I feel like it’s kind of just part of the experience and can make for some really funny moments. If you really want to experience it yourself, maybe spending some time just focusing on getting a good understanding of the ship controls without the pressure of trying to get any exploration done that round might be helpful. Autopilot isn’t the smartest, but it can be helpful.
Watching play throughs is something I love to do now, because it is the closest I’ll ever get to experiencing the game fully again. Watching a play through before playing it yourself will basically spoil the chance ever experiencing it firsthand yourself, but might be a good option if you really want to know the story and don’t find any joy in playing it.
Edit: few changes for clarity
They seem to be great foot recovery shoes. I wore mine for like 6 months on and off in the house while my foot healed.
Love crocs. Wear them all the time. I don’t really care if other people think they are ugly. They are comfortable, so I wear them.
Pros: easy to clean, can be good rain/pool/beach shoes because it’s fine to get them wet, come in a lot of different styles and colors, easy to slip on and off, not too expensive
Cons: most people think they are ugly, they can squeak when wet, they shrink of left in direct sunlight
I have other shoes as well, but wear Crocs quite often. I injured my foot a while back and my podiatrist suggested wearing shoes around the house for additional cushion while my foot healed. Funny enough, when I asked what kind of shoes, he suggested Crocs.
Sailor Moon. It was on early in the morning and I’d get ready for school really fast so I could sit and watch it before running to catch the bus.
Tea all the way. I’m super sensitive to caffeine, so I even have to switch to decaf tea after noon or I’ll be up all night.
Love using herbs from my garden for tea in the evenings - lavender, lemon balm, peppermint, chamomile
Me too!
Hi fellow no-burper! Everybody else in my family can burp, but maybe I just lost the recessive gene lottery? I totally agree, it’s one of those things that sounds like a small issue but really impacts my life sometimes.
Lol I can throw up, but it’s super rare. Last time was when I had food poisoning about a year ago. I get nauseous sometimes but it usually passes. Just looked up horse colic and that sounds intense! Luckily it doesn’t cause me too much trouble other than bloating. I also stay away from carbonated drinks and straws to reduce the air I swallow.
Burp - I just can’t do it. Also whistle or roll my Rs
The Long Dark. Hearing crows in the distance gives me the urge to go check to see if there’s any useful loot.
Zelda/bullet hell sounds like an unlikely combination! I’ll have to look it up and check it out.
Fallout 4. Been wandering around the wasteland and helping settlements in need.
Loved this one as a kid. Definitely hits different as an adult, still love it though.