The president can pardon him on federal charges. He still faces the 22.5 years on state charges. Basically, he was convicted of murder in Minnesota, and then civil rights violations in federal court.
The president can pardon him on federal charges. He still faces the 22.5 years on state charges. Basically, he was convicted of murder in Minnesota, and then civil rights violations in federal court.
I saw my need for therapy coming over a year ago, and wait was so long I didn’t get therapy started until October.
That and I am hoping to start writing. A blog of some sort. Help me think through everything in a way that might help the two or however many readers I manage to gather.
It’s not often I prefer the typo over the correct spelling…
Phone’s haunted.
Also… Google translate says hai is German for shark. So there’s that.
Pretty sure the worst she’s done is wear a Tony Alamo jacket. Which… Maybe she didn’t know?
Also changing the color of random pawns! That one was fun!
Be the change you want to see in the world?
We do. I think it can depend on where you are. In my county, it most commonly is for tornadoes, but it can also sound for blizzards, other severe storms, hazardous chemical releases, and ‘civil emergency.’
I like this much better than just for tornadoes. You could check your county government website, see what it says.
Pretty sure there is. Went for a massage recently, and ‘this is not a sexual encounter’ is explicitly in the terms of service you have to sign when making an appointment.
I had an aunt and uncle who, when I was a kid maybe 12, were not well off. They got my brother and I each this toyset that was like make pretend welding. It had a hand tool that, if I remember, let you weld with this soft plastic to make things with the parts in the kit.
It also had a chamber near the nozzle that spun and contained something that made a bunch of sparks.
Well… The thing kept zapping and burning me. Kinda hurt. So, being 12, I complained about it.
And of course, I was an ingrate for not liking the toy they could afford instead of a Lego set or something. The worst of it was I got what my parents meant, my aunt and uncle were kind of ashamed. But it burned me.
Hell I thought it was really cool, and even said so, but I couldn’t keep playing with it due to, you know, my hand being red and kinda cut up.
Just bad times all around.
And no, no one suggested put a glove on, and it did not come with one.
“When the rich rob the poor, it’s called business. When the poor fight back, it’s called violence.”
There are so many things that just shouldn’t be digitized. I get it but… Just no.
Prozac and therapy.
Which honestly, is working. If only I arrived at this method sanely, rather than nearly ending it all and winding up in a hospital.
I put a gun to my head, ready to end it all.
Woke up in a hospital. No drugs involved.
I drove myself there. The gun was in the glove compartment. Apparently, I self admitted through ED.
I remember NOTHING from gun to my head to waking up in the hospital.
Not sure if that qualifies as near death, but I think I was.
I am better now. That was years ago, I came close again recently, but this time I have answers about myself and a place to start.
Try to take the time to care for your mental and emotional health when you need to, then, instead of stewing for years and years. I made the mistake of rolling with it, turned 35, and I’m lucky to still be here at 40.
Still struggling. Wish I’d spoken with someone years ago.
Not what they asked for. Duck tape is a brand, and is in my department. Duct tape is in plumbing which also does HVAC products, and is actual foil tape with a peel off backing, actually used for ductwork.
I work retail. People walk up to me like I’m a robot.
“Duck tape??” They just… Bark at me. I have gotten to the point that I refuse to tell them where something is until they treat me like a human being and ask a very simple question, “where’s duck tape?”
As Kongar said, I agree, the new car is an suv. Which… Is by and large not great, but also what’s an SUV now?
When I was a kid by parents had one of the original Nissan Pathfinders. The one with the spare wheel that swung away, definitely 4wd, and so forth. OJ Simpson ran from the cops in a white Bronco.
Those were SUVs. Today’s monster Expeditions and Suburbans are SUVs.
At introduction, the Subaru Outback was a station wagon. Now… It’s an SUV? I have a 2022. No, it’s not small, but I have a kid and we use the trunk space and the awd all the time. Winter sucks here, and there are dirt roads. But to me it’s a car. But on paper it’s an SUV.
I am sure there’s a real distinction, but… Next to a Tahoe or a Grand Cherokee it is absulotely not an SUV. It’s a car with awd and a beefy-ish suspension.
Not sure Walz would do that. Next governor… No idea.