Thanks for that, prices seem quite reasonable
Thanks for that, prices seem quite reasonable
What are you using to print stickers, I’ve been wanting to do the same but can only find quite expensive machines to do it.
I got a 3Dfx from a computer fair in Liverpool just so I could play Quake 2 CTF, it was absolutely mind blowing not even an understatement.
That sounds perfect, thank you so much for your replies & time. I’m gonna give it a go next weekend.
That’s the thing that has me worried, deleting partitions. A long time ago (15 years or so) I deleted a partition in windows and it really messed everything up, that’s what has made me question whether it is a simple case of just running the Bazzite installer and it holding my hand all the way.
I’m planning on doing it next weekend as this weekend just became busy. No doubt I’ll be back here asking more questions.
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far it’s been very helpful.
I’m not concerned with keeping any data as the things I need are on separate a HD & SSD’s. I just wondered if I might not be able to do a clean install of Bazzite over Nobara, I am really new to all this but learning from you guys & as I go.
Good to know. I use flatpak in Nobara atm too. My main concern with being totally new to this would be not being able to install Bazzite over Nobara. It’s a steep learning curve for me but I do enjoy things like that.
When you get to my age you live life on the edge.
Jesus, no hope for me at 52 then
Definitely something for me to watch for, I always test for ketones when I suspect my daughter is ill, I’ve actually never seen her have a fever. 97.7 wow! I remember when covid was at its worst here, we had messages from the hospital telling us to test frequently and adjust doses accordingly.
I’m not a bright man and this is an honest question, are you a diabetic? If so that’s really interesting as my daughter is type one, I find that quite fascinating that you don’t get a fever and something for me to look out for.
Count me in!
I’ll second PopOs, I was sick & tired of windows, I’d wanted Linux for a while and tried a few, PopOs just clicked for me and I’ve not had one problem gaming (which is what I mainly do). 20 min install time and not one problem since, which is about 14 months.