You are right, mainstream media definitely isn’t stretching the title and article my mistake they are completely unbiased and there is no issue with child trafficking.
What’s your opinion on the woman king?
I’m not really concerned with Qanon tbh and I’ve not kept up with their craziness for some time, I guess that’s what confuses me about the sensationalist title calling this a Qanon adjacent film, just screams smear campaign. What’s your thoughts on California failing to pass SB-14?
Enlighten me, which person “made” the film that is a “litteral child trafficker”? If you are talking about the person listed in this gobbledygook title, go look into the case a little further before knee-jerk reacting and looking foolish like these other goobers.
Oh wow look at that, using rollingstone as a source and running with blinders on. Hey look at how many people liked your comment, you must be right.
Yeah 'he was a FoUNdeR" lol do a little research the guy donated $501 to get his name in the credits along with nearly 7000 other people and he’s not convicted of child trafficking he’s convicted of accessory to child kidnapping which if you care to read the details about the case is such a non issue when compared to child trafficking. He broke the law, lock him up let him serve his time, the fact that anyone is using some fucking nobody that donated $500 and calling him a founder to discredit the real issue of child trafficking is astonishing and disgusting.
Think about what the “journalist/reporter” went through to obtain this information, they cross checked legal cases with all nearly 7k donation of $500 and up (so they could run the headline that he/she was a founder of the movie) and found a case with child kidnapping and ran with it and you bozos are eating it up. How about team red or team blue we fucking agree child trafficking is bad and that we should castrate and kill the people trafficking them and the pedophiles buying them?
Thats a complete failure to interpret or mischaracterization of my entire point about the smear campaign against the movie. In your fire analogy a better characterization would be:
A building is on fire. Standing outside of it is a person yelling loudly “This building is on fire!”. Nobody is asking him what started the fire or why he is worried about the fire since buildings catch on fire multiple times a year. But he just keeps standing there yelling at anyone that will listen. Then he is approached by members of the crowd that has gathered who all berate him for being so loud and abnoxious and explain to him that house fires happen all the time and to let the authorities handle it, that it’s not really an issue to be concerned with. Then another member of the crowd says, “Hey! I know someone that donated to this building fund when it was being built, and he was accessory to arson! So shut up about this building being on fire, it was only built by people that approve of arson!”
You don’t believe this is odd behavior?
“These people” sounds a little bias eh? I’m so confused at the smear campaign for a movie that vilifies child trafficking.
Why is it obvious? You don’t think J6 was traumatic?
While I don’t think your premise is correct, I appreciate the lengthy write up and the stories, it is possible the OP felt it was just an endearing story. I consume a lot of politcal media/news and not many people that are active politically (and not just vomiting left/right wing talking points from cnn/fox) think positively of this administration to the point it has become really doubtful for me that anyone can truly share positive info on Biden’s family or the Biden admin unless it is to promote a politically motivated agenda. I think most people that still promote his admin fall into a few catagories: either they are very poorly informed/misinformed through watching bias media (cnn/msnbc, not to say right right wing media isn’t bias just doesn’t apply here) with little to zero personal investigation or research, not politically involved/echo chamber because orange man bad and all conservatives are racist/bigots and want to strip women’s rights, or attention seekers, the kind that only wish to be a victim or virtue signal. Sadly because people are so determined to form sides and be either team red or team blue, most people (especially young college age/indoctrinated youth) are very binary.
Nah I’ll stick around :)
Lemmy is so reddit 2.0 lol, fucking astroturfing for Biden.
Wait you think Budweiser didn’t suffer financially from sponsoring DM? What metric are you using to determine financial loss?
Very true, limited OS support kills most devices eventually, sadly there is only so much you can mandate as many apps and programs will stop working on old OS as they are updated. What should be criminal is apple patching old OS too purposely slow them down.
Doubtful since those are not required for the life/longevity of the tech.
How does this comment have nearly 50 up votes?
This comment is not very self aware. Sad to see so many of the far left have already migrated from reddit, let me guess, you were subbed to r/politics?
Wait why are you glorifying banning “trump trash”, free speech should definitely not include banning someone for their political opinions. I am voting trump next election hands down.