I edited it, so everyone thinks I believe him to be a swell guy.
I edited it, so everyone thinks I believe him to be a swell guy.
This was me recognizing that I was arguing with someone that had already decided what the answer was.
FFS, he already KNOWS I’m a libertarian, regardless of what I actually am.
Further talk would be a waste of my time. While I’m no one important, my time *is* important to me.
Source: I’ve been on the “internet” since the compu-serve cb chat days. The people don’t change, just the access method.
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@VanillaGorilla @gAlienLifeform
Texas prisons are run by someone even worse than Ticketmaster.
They are run by Texas.
@aegisgfx877 @Pips @perviouslyiner
Sadly, I agree 100%.
The best thing that could happen to Trump is for his self-entitled, piece of shit ass, to get hit by a meteor.
@Royal_Bitch_Pudding @marmo7ade
It is part of how some folks think.
I managed an IT dept and my sole employee was black. Great guy with a great sense of humor.
One day, the Director of HR, yes, HR, emailed support, asking that someone come take a look at her “colored printer”.
He joked that as the colored IT guy, he would go fix it. ROFL.
This woman was raised as a racist, but her role precluded her speaking her mind.
Her manner of thinking did out her, nonetheless.
@BrokebackHampton @Phyrin @JasSmith @NXTR
Solving that problem right now!
@NXTR @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton @JasSmith
You would have to ask JasSmith that question.
@JasSmith @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton
As far as what you “fully expect”, that’s mostly why I plan to exit this conversation. Not because I don’t have rebuttals, but you’ve already made your decision about who I am, what I think and what I’m going to say, so, honestly, why bother?
@JasSmith @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton
Lets start with the easy one:
So Biden’s trans-gender EO is forcing children to transition?!?!
Giving them a choice?
I could not care less about what “Red States” want, since they haven proven they’ve lost their minds.
They don’t want, they DEMAND, a religious nation, under their personal God, because he’s the bestest one, in a country founded, in part, on religious freedom.
I’m at work, but I’ll take a look at those shooter articles.
@JasSmith @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton
Can you show me an example of a hard-leftist shoving their ideology down someone else’s throat?
How about a Hard-Leftist that crafted, then got passed a law that restricts the choices of the hard-right?
Are there numerous cases of Leftists driving through crowds or maybe shooting up a synagogue, that I’m unaware of?
I’m not saying the Left is perfect, but I call bullshit on the equivocation of the 2 sides.
@Cordoro Bummer. I don’t have a movie scene to describe for that. :|
@teft @BlackRose Watch Minority Report. There is a solution to your issue in that movie, but you’re going to have to eat a moldy sandwich and possibly pee on the floor, if you lose the bathroom rope.
@smokinjoe @Girlparts @Turkey_Titty_city @EnderWi99in This is what Internet White Knighting looks like.
Ender’s heart is in the right place, but his head is up his ass.
@Lmaydev @Fiivemacs