Contact a gym, delete a lawyer, hit the Facebook.
Contact a gym, delete a lawyer, hit the Facebook.
Okay but sincere question: does the idiom translate?
You could take the interpretation of “ownership” to many ridiculous conclusions, from “all ownership is theft” to “nothing is owned” to “all governent is crime” to “all taxation is theft” etc…
From a practical standpoint, “ownership” is an arbitrary threshold of exclusivity that is generally respected by society under appropriate conditions. Where that threshold and what the conditions are will vary by the type of property and general social sensibilities.
I cannot for the life of me find it, but there was an article before the modern explosion of ML into the public consciousness where a guy found that one of the big search engines offered an API to “rate” nsfw images on a numeric scale. The idea was that site admins could use it to automatically filter content with a bit more granularity.
So naturally, he trained a naive image generating model with the nsfw score as the sole metric of success, and got results much like you describe. Results were pretty much “what if Dali and kronenberg had a baby with slaanesh?”
I like how you tried to be a grammar snob and couldn’t even get your example right.
It’s weird that they don’t have a little too outside of the courtroom to take it off. A vestibule, perhaps?
I mean, I think the described action counts as a proposal…
She was probably on (at least) one knee and she put a ring on it…
The practice you describe is explicitly illegal in almost all employment circumstances in the United States.
It’s a big metal tube you make a fart noise into… How could you mess with perfection?
Couldn’t make it past one paragraph, article or comment 👍.
I know this is going to be a wildly unpopular opinion: regulations like these are written in blood. There was apparently no real effort to make the church properly habitable. People would be just as outraged (or more) if this headline was describing 18 charred bodies found in a burned down church that was REPEATEDLY told to do things the right way.
If this was anything other than performative or a malicious attempt to secure lawsuits and/or headlines, the church would have been updated, they would have secured an appropriate facility, or these people would be in the congregation’s homes.
Not with that attitude you can’t.
Yeah, I want to get in on that racket. Red cross says it costs $3900 to run a blood drive.
And as others have said, plasma donation is much more effective.
Uhhh… Sounds like a great way to include your exhaust as a combustion chamber!
I think the heart of the accusation is “initial” in the headline. We’re all seeing a repeat of bank bailouts, ppp loans, etc, where the bucket is going to run out immediately before anybody who actually needs it gets a drop, and everybody else is going to end up footing the bill.
Nobody has a problem censoring hateful and harmful content, so long as they’re the ones that get to decide what that means.
Cowboy hi point! and that’s not even counting printed liberators or four winds shotguns.
Apparently there’s some huge drama in data hoarding communities about manufacturers switching between different recording technologies, and how everybody is worried that they aren’t going to last for 5-10-100-1000 years.