I remember that video, but I‘m not sure it is comparable — air might flow faster than water [citation needed] and there might be less of it [citation needed].
I remember that video, but I‘m not sure it is comparable — air might flow faster than water [citation needed] and there might be less of it [citation needed].
How fast would this suck up all of our atmosphere? Hours? Days?
No, it’s just fertilized with bullshit.
Thanks, I’ll look into it. For completionists: This is the article about how to properly archive paper: https://peelarchivesblog.com/2024/09/10/how-do-archivists-package-things-the-battle-of-the-boxes/
In einem Bericht des ZDF vom Februar 2025 wird ein ehemaliger Mitschüler zitiert, der über Weidel sagte:
But isn’t the rhino a doublecorn?
Thanks, this sounds really useful. Patch T sounds like some manual sorting work, but I guess with the option to reuse those separator pages it is still better than manual splitting or - worse - single scanning.
I haven’t looked into paperless-ai yet, but I hope my machine would be beefy enough for this task — worst case I guess it might take a little longer to process all docs.
Now I only still need to decide on a good archiving method. I read some article a long time ago about the pros and cons of different document archiving methods used by professional archivers. Some prefer horizontal stacking in boxes, while others prefer vertical stacks in vertical boxes. Pretty interesting nerdy topic 😀
Interesting approach with the ASN — haven’t started using that feature yet. If I understand correctly, you add a QR ASN to each document you need to keep a physical copy of? And that sticker also has the ASN in human readable form? So you would then add many documents at once to the feeder, and Paperless will read the QR and also split documents whenever a new code appears?
What about documents you don’t want to keep physically? Is there a way to get Paperless to split them automatically as well if you add many to the feeder?
maybe get even bigger dogs gradually until you find one that can handle your big balls 😁
You’d get a pious, stating that someone paid 1.99 to turn your camera an. For just 5.99 you can make sure it stays off.
This could also be implemented as a bidding war like eBay.
Dual mouse mode sounds interesting…
I understood that reference.
Nur wenn du dir Mühe gibst. 50% reichen bestimmt auch.
GPT told me that, so it must be true.
Who needs bookmarks, when you have tabs?
Tatsächlich nur 2m tief? Reicht das?
Ernstgemeinte Frage: warum nicht gleich mit dem deutschen System kompatibel? Sind die Flaschen in AT so viel anders, dass man hierzulande nichts damit anfangen könnte und andersrum?
Ist insgesamt Gold diese Seite. Was da alles an falschen Beschilderungen rumsteht…
This one? https://youtu.be/0Hwjmek0Uvw It more addresses survivability in space, but unfortunately not the „drain earth of its atmosphere“ thing. Then again, in game the portal was closed quickly again.