I do agree that it is possible to be motivated by other things than money, but in todays society you need income to survive.
If we had other systems to deligate money to everyone I agree that we might not need to do things for money.
I love services that are free, and driven by communities that are motivated by what they are doing. But these services also need some kind of income today. Wikipedia is dependent on donations, mosts blogs have sponsors, ads or is used to further a career.
I have no issues with this, I will glady donate to Wikipedia, and I understand why blogs might have ads or sponsors in them. But if you enjoy a service it is kinda wierd to not want to give anything back to the creator.
I understand google is fucked, but we cant just sit back and not understand why a free version of youtube will not exist. Maybe youtube should just die, but why are we complaining about a comany taking payment for a service? Fuck google, fuck facebook, but don’t complain that they want payment for huge expensive services that basically could not survive without any income.
I find this take wierd. If you do not want to support Google, stop using services created by them.
The content creators can upload videos to multiple platforms if they want to