Reminds me of what would be created if Twitter and Snoo had a baby. White, round beady eye and something that sticks up on top of the head.
White, Great White.
Reminds me of what would be created if Twitter and Snoo had a baby. White, round beady eye and something that sticks up on top of the head.
Gotta cover the bad side so you cant see how asymmetrical my face is.
But…why do they think that? The article doesn’t say?
“So… are you gonna do something about this!?”
To the right of the bottom picture a sign(guessing the business) has been cropped out of view.
A hero appears in the loneliest of times.
This is just really disappointing and gross. Is there any way to not have bots absolutely everywhere?
Heaven is a FISHFEST!
And vaginas… Sorry, boys. Have fun in HELL!
It also deterred real posters, like a lot of overly ruled subs did.
More > activity > reduces for Kbin.
Scroll to the bottom of the thread and find reduces for the thread.
I just watched a movie(bad thriller) about hikers. They popped some pill before they started to climb to stop them from pooping. Wonder what it was and if pilots also take something besides just diet.
I love it. I’ve already used that feature to block someone who was stalking my posts and downvoting them. Then I got curious and checked out a bunch of posts on the front page that had downvotes but didnt really warrant them. I found there were about 5 accounts who were heavy downvoters for apparently no reason. They also got blocked.
I was thinking that it would be best to sleep as much as possible.
I really feel like “rules” for different magazines should be lax at first and just take out the obvious scum or completely irrelevant posts. Ease everyone in. There isn’t even an actual community in most magazines yet because there’s so few people. Let the people come first, then figure out the ins and outs of them.
Not only are we gonna get an app… But we’re also gonna get OPTIONS!? Go team!
Kbin terrorizing Spez.
Take it back to our roots.
And it’s showed the true colors of a few other actors. Mila and Ashton supporting him still is really disappointing. But at least we still have Topher.