I was thinking this at first too but I think the format worked. What ended up appealing to me was the attempt at making it feel as if it was unfolding in real time. It was similar to the feel of “24” but they condensed it to a 7 hour flight.
I was thinking this at first too but I think the format worked. What ended up appealing to me was the attempt at making it feel as if it was unfolding in real time. It was similar to the feel of “24” but they condensed it to a 7 hour flight.
You’re right it’s just cosmetic stuff. However the battle pass itself costs money. So the idea that paying money for the battle pass doesn’t earn you enough to buy ANYTHING is kind of ridiculous. I know you unlock other things in the battle pass itself but still.
I only have this seasons battle pass because it came with the digital deluxe edition. I can’t see myself ever buying it.
And it wasn’t even a post about beans?! Amazing. God bless old memes.
Always sunny podcast Conan needs a friend Adventure zone
I was impressed too! I’ve had LESS issues running it on my steam deck than I have on my PC! Could be luck or just something between low and high settings causing me more issues. Worth going through the effort of loading up Battle.net for. As a long time mouse and keyboard player controller feels good for Diablo.
Yeah I’m with you. I tend to say I’ve completed the main story/campaign but haven’t finished getting all the collectibles/side quests/100% the game yet. These days I hardly ever hit 100% which I consider would equate to “beating” the game.
I was thinking nbd charge a dollar cover fee and rent a venue or something.
Then I realized there isn’t even a stadium in the world large enough to host 1.5 million people. You’d have more friends than people that gather for a royal wedding. It’s an absolutely absurd amount of people.