If you get paid more you can parrot the talking point that you are more valuable and work harder that is why you are compensated more. Or point out you have more leverage at your job because it is more valuable that is why you get more days off.
If you get paid more you can parrot the talking point that you are more valuable and work harder that is why you are compensated more. Or point out you have more leverage at your job because it is more valuable that is why you get more days off.
Why not both? People are motivated or get things in different ways sometimes I just need the command other times I need to understand why. As for titles of sections the funny or longer chapter lines I might remember better than the simple one.
Arguably he could borrow against his annuity and save on taxes with loans. He could also setup a charity in which he donates a max amount and set up family on the board avoiding other taxes and making write offs as if he is ceo he can buy company property stuff that he can write off too.
Personally I think it does as the institutional and mainstream answer is completely unacceptable. To have so many waver or not want to answer is pretty telling/meaningful. IMO
The actual Emerson college survey has it at 58.7% of the people find the shooters actions as completely unacceptable. True 16.5% find it completely or somewhat acceptable. Lots of neutral and unsure at 15.9% and somewhat unacceptable at 9%.
BTW this poll isn’t perfectly accurate in who they sampled as 37% south,17.7% northeast , 52% women, 18% post doc, 24% college grad,also so many old people versus young. The demographics aren’t properly proportional.
In states that didn’t matter. In every swing state but Pennsylvania they had record turnouts. She even beat some of bidens support in those states and still lost. 7 million isn’t the story it is she didn’t really gain 250k votes in 4 key states and lost.
It is more like 250k in 4 states that flipped.
Not like the democrats immediately accepted Republicans and framed leftists as the problem with their campaign while moving to the right
No you made the claim now it is your burden to source and prove it. Generally and federally not much is happening with weed even on the arrest side as we wait to try to decriminalize it. You can’t pardon state crimes.
Not like either side is helping us. Kamala, Democrats, and Joe biden ran the last 4 years quietly and campaigned on no change. They lost the election by not convincing 250k voters in 4 states to not vote for them.
Joe biden pardoning his son is his legacy. Joe said he would be a one term president then tried to run for a second term ruining a primary. Democrats chose Kamala harris and she accepted. This country was founded on old people letting go of power and stepping aside and down. If George Washington wanted to he could have been a king. The old dems are grasping at power and control rather than trusting a populist candidate.
Joe Biden could be abusing his power and fighting for change from the bully pulpit to affect Americans and make an outcry but instead went back in his word twice and pardoned his son abusing his power for selfish gain.
Kamala instead of campaigning to fight hatred and cause change went with joy and changing nothing . She even capituatated to right wing talking points moving Democrats to the right. Even though policy wise leftist policy is good and ppopular policy.
Lastly the democrats ran a Hilary Clinton style campaign being a nerd with stats and defended institutions. Obama won because change Biden won because change.
The convenience of it always happening to people who are harsh critics or in the way of putin. Just always to mysterious. That or standards for windows are terrible
Some mysterious falling out of windows later he could be president
Tbf. 152 million votes counted so far in 2024 and just shy of 160 million voted in 2020. Every swing state had record turn out except Pennsylvania which was close. There was bound to be less votes with people working and mail in ballots not valid to do because covid in some states. Most the votes lost were in states that outcomes were the same in 2020. She lost by 250k people in 4 states. These people flipped or some sat home while more showed up for Trump she lost because of not getting better turn out in those states she even beat Bidens numbers in some of these states.
Hmm. Is there any political or judicial will to do anything about Trump or right wing people cheating. We need plausible proof to convict people and if we haven’t arrested Trump for election interference from 2020 by now then what is the point of stressing sure some people should try if these is something but nothing is going to come of it.
The President once elected can still serve even in jail. So yes even if he cheated and we discover something was wrong with election once Kamala conceded Trump won even if she wasn’t mathematically eliminated and it completely turned the tide Trump still would be the next president. I don’t agree with that but yeah. It is as if we discovered someone cheated to get there diploma or degree years after the fact they already got the paper so even if you rescind it to jobs they would still look like a legitimate candidate
There was throwing out and refuse to count mail in ballots with out dates stamped in Pennsylvania. They did have fire bombing of ballot drop off boxes. There was phone calls from Russia. There was a media platform manipulating the news to be right wing.
While I don’t think it wouldn’t have changed anything Kamala did lose by just over 250k votes in 4 states.
Sex is a basic human need. Having a child isn’t. You need to know you are compatible with your partner sexually or it will lead to tons of strife in a relationship. So not having sex unless you are asexual or a version of it isn’t an option.
I have no respect for CEOs or most c-suite people. I fear them since they are self important douches (most of the time) who i have to walk on pin needles when they are around. They will question minor things like cleanliness or cables not looking pretty when my department has been severely cut and OT is scarce and we rarely have time to manage cables during a panic fix.
Then they will mandate some thing like use so much velcro that it makes my job difficult which doesn’t fix the problem of it takes time and resources like exact length cables to make things look nice.
Didn’t make a difference in the swing states they had record breaking turns outs. The drop in votes came in other states that were deicided already settled
The swing states that decided it had record breaking turn outs except Pennsylvania where it was just shy. She lost last i check on Friday by just over 250k votes in 4 states. Around 250k votes flipped causing her to lose. No 3rd party votes for green party would have flipped this election last I checked
You process food by washing, cutting, or cooking your food. Processed isn’t being used properly to scaremonge people. Over processed or ultra processed food is the worriesome stuff