Is this boomer for real chat?!
Anyway, this 30 lbs of Ramen is about to disappear!
Is this boomer for real chat?!
Anyway, this 30 lbs of Ramen is about to disappear!
I believe that Take Off Your Pants and Jacket was released with 3 different secret songs (in the US anyway). Each album came with one of the 3, so you had to see if your friends got the other 2 on their albums.
It was a good time!
Yeah!! Spend your money on a completely pointless lawsuit!! Fill some lawyers pockets instead of helping your citizens!!
Remember: the most important thing to professional politicians is optics! It’s what fools the morons into thinking you are doing something good!
I plugged the HDD in WHILE the PC was on (yes, I know, what a fucking moron).
I don’t know what to do.
Update: was able to find a local place that knows what they are doing. Turns out I fried the North Bridge 🙄. Got a new MoBo in the way. I hope I can get away with just a plug and play.
Absolutely!! Unless of course we are talking about “burdening” certain women (or certain men) with the inconvenience of giving birth to another person.
In this case, science has absolutely no place in the conversation!! I don’t care when life starts!! No scientist should be allowed to weigh in on whether or not abortion is murder!!!
Following this logic, someone who kills a pregnant mother shouldn’t be held liable for the murder of 2 people! And fathers who do not want to be fathers but are being forced into the situation should not be held liable for caring for a bundle of cells that they didn’t want!
All of these double standards are tiring and gross!!
They used to be the superior form of bread stick.
Olive Garden’s quality (like most corporate chains) has nose dived in the last 15 years.
Shittier food = more profit!!
You guys want WW3 so fucking bad!!!
Edit: that is as long as you can make yourselves the victim in the situation. Remember when President Trump was trying to distance the USA from China for a multitude of reasons and you called him xenophobic and racist?
Pepperidge Farm remembers!!
As long as it’s “Dridiot-umphernickle” (or whatever unimaginative stretch butchering of the English language you all think is hilarious these days) that starts another world war, you all are so fucking on board!!
Of course not. Not anyone that doesn’t have any dependents.
You all get to do almost nothing all day (except post weak takes on Lemmy) and act like you are carrying the economy on your back.
Fuck off. The adults have people who depend on them.
So you are a non US citizen trying to meddle in the daily affairs of US citizens?
I see you Temu Elon Musk!
I take the side of the minority!
^Lemmy ^says ^Republicans ^are ^the ^minority
I mean…it technically fits the macros.
There’s the lame take I was talking about! Way to prove the point!
I want to see some change. REAL change! There is a uni-party that DOES NOT want that kind of change, and the majority of internet people vote for them time and time again.
Stop fooling yourself.
“It’s ok to lie about things! Truth can be bent as long as it serves the mindset that I have! All you got to do is label everything fascist! Then lying or presenting falsehoods is righteous!!!”
All they had to do was NOT present this organization as “non-partisan” and the article would have held credibility.
But who the fuck needs credibility?! My opinion is righteous and just!!
Right now! What are YOU waiting for?
Oh yeah, your life isn’t actually that bad. At least not bad enough to throw it away to become some kind of martyr that will be forgotten after 3 months (how long has it been since that one guy shot a CEO? 2 months and almost completely out of the news cycle?)
The sad (SAD) truth is that people on the internet LOVE to convince themselves that they are oppressed. The “resistance” they claim they are putting up (which is really just posting the lamest takes on social media) gets their cortisol 'a-flowin!
In reality, they would NEVER give up their lifestyle to make any of the changes they claim they want to see. That is, unless they can whip up enough people to fill in the front line first, then they can continue their comfortable online “resistance” without any risk.
Like I said: you aren’t oppressed.
“The non-partisan group”
HAHAHAHA!!! Fuck off!!
I believe the official terminology is “Santorum”.
NOOOOOOO!!! What the hell am I supposed to do with this useless PC now?!
Petite feet, feminine step! Sounds just like a lady when he walks into the room!
California? You mean the state owned by the tech oligarchy that is (according to you) the current ruling class of the entire country?
🤣 You people crave an enemy so much, you can’t keep your stories straight!
All great selections!
I was a fan of all of the Apogee platformers:
Commander Keen,
Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure,
Monster Bash
Also Lucasfilm games:
Maniac Mansion
What a great time for PC gaming!