Music to my ears.
Music to my ears.
Why? LLMs are built by training maching learning models on vast amounts of text data; essentially it looks for patterns. We’ve seen this repeatedly with other behaviour from LLMs regarding race and gender, highlighting the underlying bias in the dataset. This would be no different, unless you’re disputing that there is a possible correlation between bad code and fascist/racist/sexist tendencies?
Notepadqq seems to be catching up to Notepad++. In my case the feature that I was sorely missing was the function list, as I am not a heavy macro/plugin user.
True, although the number of people that you need to break the rules before the system of government falls apart varies from system to system. In this case my impression is that the US requires relatively few people (once in power) to make those kinds of decisions.
Very sorry to hear this. I’m sure you gave him a wonderful life for the time he had with you.
Just for the benefit of other readers, Notepadqq is one of the alternatives for Linux. However, there are a few features I really wanted from Notepad++, so I have installed it using wine. No problems there. Hopefully some day we’ll see a Linux release.
This makes me suspect that the LLM has noticed the pattern between fascist tendencies and poor cybersecurity, e.g. right-wing parties undermining encryption, most of the things Musk does, etc.
Here in Australia, the more conservative of the two larger parties has consistently undermined privacy and cybersecurity by implementing policies such as collection of metadata, mandated government backdoors/ability to break encryption, etc. and they are slowly getting more authoritarian (or it’s becoming more obvious).
Stands to reason that the LLM, with such a huge dataset at its disposal, might more readily pick up on these correlations than a human does.
Trump seems to be driven only by one thing - what he directly gets out of it. Programs that help other people don’t directly benefit him, so why keep them?
This is one of the ways in which it is abundantly clear that the Trump Administration (Trump himself, Musk and a lot of others) are incredibly stupid. They do not understand the concept of soft power at all.
Honestly, I can’t blame them.
Maybe, but I think it’s more likely they’ll want some pretense of legitimacy and rig them instead of cancelling them altogether.
So he’s planning to rig the mid term elections.
Makes me wonder if this was Musk’s plan all along - make Starlink indispensible and then leverage it against Ukraine when the time came.
Pretty sure Trumpism was just Nazism in a new hat.
Sorry Bernie, the US turned off that road years ago.
Agreed. I buy physical versions wherever possible. Plus video and audio are generally higher quality than streaming/digital purchases.
Unfortunately not from the perspective of the billionaire class who just needs a labour force.
Sadly true.
This really shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point.
I wonder how many of his supporters are about to find out that they’re included in this.
I’m surprised he didn’t try this in the first week as part of his “revenge” executive orders.
Rail (and public transport) should be publically owned. As someone who lives in Victoria, Australia, it is painfully obvious just how much damage the privatisation of our rail system in the 90s did. There was virtually no investment/expansion of the network for over two decades and it’s now too late - we’re stuck continually playing catch-up to the increasing infrastructure demands of our cities.
I’m not familiar with the ownership of Amtrak, but it should be fully government owned and operated. A vertically-integrated transport system was the most cost-effective approach for us and that lasted about a century before the more conservative of our two major parties sold it off.