It was hidden barbed wire. How are you not processing that?
It was hidden barbed wire. How are you not processing that?
You feel these are the appropriate consequences? Getting sliced open? Something is very broken with your mental health.
Don’t be a coward. The intent is to cause harm, otherwise it wouldn’t be hidden. Build up the courage to admit that at least, rather than just saying “you’re a liberal…” So weak, dude.
Thoughts on recycled batteries in the long run? Could be one way to improve battery EV sustainability. I know it’s early days, but we can theoretically reuse cobalt from old batteries in the long run I suppose.
Did it take any damage at all? Dang, good engineering…
Nuclear war vs. loss of sovereign rights. Not a great trade.
Kudos for the well-reasoned reply. I see your points and now agree that it is difficult to draw conclusive links based on opinion. I also agree the third point would likely be the smoking gun here and is most concerning. It’s hard to prove or disprove, though. As you said, it could be a leak. I suppose if leaks become regular or frequent, it would be another matter though. We’ll see. Fair points though, thanks.
Thanks for the giving me my giant dose of BS for the day.
Oh yeah, the invader is a nuclear power…everyone let them invade!
No. Screw Russia. They’re pathethic and getting a taste of their own medicine.
Hey can you repost your actual reply to the question at hand? I still haven’t seen a logical response.
Hur dur Libtards bad
You mean University of Toronto? You read the article?
I’m thinking about what North Korea can do today. Looking ahead.
The choice today is more rocket antics or less. One means more budget for food and less alienation, the other doesn’t. The question is what North Korea does now.
North Korea could decide to stop alienating itself from the rest of the world with pathetic rocket antics.
Maybe that would help with the import problem.
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There are tons of harmful chemicals and tar you aren’t inhaling by vaping, instead of by combustion with traditional cigarettes. Not sure if they’re worse.
Sounds like Qatar and UAE.
Would you feel bad if they were high-vis? Not as many people would hurt themselves.