Watch out for that Enola Gay, droppin big ol gay bombs turnin the frogs gay or somethin.
Watch out for that Enola Gay, droppin big ol gay bombs turnin the frogs gay or somethin.
The company must have more than 500 equity holders and have more than $10 million in assets. If the company maintains a limited number of owners, they will never be required to go public regardless of their valuation.
And what did Trump get in return for his massive concession? Anything? What’s the point of a trade war if you back down at the slightest bit of pressure? What a fucking dunce. This whole thing is unbelievably stupid.
There is no requirement to ever go public, in the US anyway. I work for a multi-billion dollar company that’s entirely privately held. It just tends to happen because it’s the best way for the equity holders to convert their ownership into cash. It can be hard to sell a whole company because that requires someone to go all in to buy it and they must accept all the risk of maintaining its value. But you can go public and get tons of investment money without having to sell.
Absolutely not. My employer has no business knowing my medical history.
Why craft your message with the primary goal of not angering a bunch of snowflakes who are going to attack you literally no matter what you say. We’re up against people that think wearing a tan suit is a newsworthy scandal and electing a rapist is fine. Or do you need me to say “found civilly liable for sexual assault but never criminally convicted of rape”?
It was a shit show and an embarrassment.
The ability to do behind the scenes work is super important. It’s half the requirement. But the other half is being able to do in the moment interactions. Look at Trump/VD with Zelenski. Being charismatic and able to handle in-person negotiations with foreign leaders is hugely important.
Is being inclusive of people with cognitive reasoning disabilities a bad thing?
Yeah, it’s because “at least he’s doing something.” Plenty of uninformed chuds are making the assumption that any action is good action. They’re also the same folks that still insist project 2025 is a liberal hoax.
More likely, he’ll delete the database.
I can’t wait to see what their investigation finds in 3 years! Hopefully they’ll finally lay out a rock solid 7 year strategy to bring charges against Trump. That’ll show 'em!
Exactly. Same as with Trump’s rigged election claims: show us the evidence or fuck all the way off with your conspiratorial fantasies. We have very real urgent issues to focus on before we entertain “curiosities”.
And excessive blind fanaticism causes kiddie diddlers. Yet here we are.
Doing PDF handling with jQuery? Yeah, it do be like that sometimes.
Is this a flex that you can afford prescriptions? 😂😅😬🤕
EOs are not laws and can only direct the federal government’s actions. The President has no authority to unilaterally control a company, except for scenarios where it is interacting with the federal government. Just like the “two genders” EO, it only applies to the federal government. States and companies can continue to support non-binary and other options for sex and gender identity.
Exactly. Don’t judge a person by the blood writing on the walls!
Let me be clear that I’m no fan of RFK, anti-vaxxers, or any fad diets. I am a fan of evidence-based nutrition and practicing moderation. I believe that a varied diet with lower-processed foods is best for most people.
Avocado and EVOO are much less processed, which is generally preferable to more highly refined ingredients. Refining removes a lot of nutrients and concentrates what’s left. That means you need a lot less of it to influence the balance of things within your body. It doesn’t make highly refined oils “bad”, but it does make watching your intake of them more important.
Specifically about the oils, seed oils are high in omega-6 and low in omega-3. Your body needs both and it cannot produce them. The issue comes from the fact that the average American diet has a stark imbalance of way too much 6 and not enough 3. Refined oils provide a lot of 6 but 3 is harder to come by. Getting a good amount of 3 means eating oily fish and nuts, and choosing more balanced oils for a more balanced diet.