I think they must be joking, this timeline is so gay.
I think they must be joking, this timeline is so gay.
If only trumps fuckery would only fuck over his voters and not us in everywhere in this globe, I’d be fine with that.
So, the Darwin’s theory works?
Nah, first they take Greenland then they take Canada.
Yes, it’s good to see something fun in a middle of all these miserable days.
Now what would go wrong?
I have 100 Mb connection in my home and it is included with the rent, 200 Mb mobile with unlimited calls, which I pay 22,90 €/ month. That’s Finland.
Thoughts and prayers, what else could he need?
Optimistic if you think there would be next elections.
He makes Luigi martyr.
English and my native language. It depends on my mood. Usually, if you need to find some resolution to the technical issues, it’s easier to use English.
Tervetuloa, uusi Reddit pakolainen täälläkin. Vielä on paljon ihmettelemistä ja opettelemista tämän kanssa, mutta eiköhän se tästä selkene. Voyager on itsellä käytössä ja jokseenkin mukavalta vaikuttaa. Politiikkaa ja doomscrollausta voi harrastaa mielin määrin täälläkin, mitäpä sitä muuta masentunut ihminen voisi elämältä vaatiakaan?