Go back in time a prevent the British Empire
I have changed my mind on that really. I mean, yes they bled us dry in terms of money and we could have used that right about now, they destroyed domestic manufacturing, they used as their bank and much more, but it’s a little reductive to think had the British not invaded things would have been great. It might have been better in someways and worse in others. Google the Sati Practice, India was no golden bird before the British invaded and post-British Empire we are responsible for all the failures of our state, Indians love to blame the British, while they were responsible, it’s not very productive to be stuck in the past, Indians blame muslim invaders, Britishers, secularism and many more things for their failure, except of course, themselves and the culture they created!
I live in a ok place right now, but no matter where I go, I can’t deny that I am working my ass off just to afford the basic stuff and paying 4 months or more of taxes for nothing much!
For things to change all at once, Indians need to stop deluding themselves into thinking that they are this great country and every problem India faces is due to the outside influence or due to minorities. I don’t see that happening anytime soon. If India knew what the problem was like the Japanese did after the West forced it to open it’s waters for trade long ago, Indians would have stood a chance, but we don’t, we are in a really bad shape and many don’t know that we are in a bad shape and those who know are not focusing on the problem, rather they are focusing on Mughals, Muslims and serveral other external factors, they are not looking inwards.