Not really. They believe 99% of the same things, follow 99% of the same rules, and result in 99% of the same outcomes when they dominate society.
Not really. They believe 99% of the same things, follow 99% of the same rules, and result in 99% of the same outcomes when they dominate society.
What if you never wear red but, upon being told you’re racist if you wear red on tuesdays, you decide to start wearing red on tuesdays? Does this circularly make you racist?
People don’t like being told not to do harmless things because of other people’s religious or personal beliefs and will often do those things as a result of being told not to do them because, again, they are harmless things that should not be stigmatized. Drawing pictures of any human who has ever lived or will ever live is a harmless activity which should not get you called racist or an asshole. It doesn’t matter if this is just one guy and you could draw any of the other guys who have ever lived, there is no reason not to draw him.
Yes, except christian instead. You realize christianity and islam are almost precisely the same fucking thing, right? Muslims believe in jesus for fucks sake. Pretending they are significantly different in any meaningful way aside from that one happened to be largely the victor over recent history is incredibly ignorant.
its not about whether the request is reasonable, its about whether you’re an asshole or racist or whatever for refusing. and it is very very easy for you to never wear red again in your life, so surely just not wearing red for one day of the week is not that unreasonable?
if not wearing red on tuesdays were a muslim tradition, you absolutely would be calling me out the exact same way for saying i dont intend to follow that tradition
ok so how do i state my disinterest in following their religious rules without being racist?
is being black a religion?
so when and how am i allowed to criticize those who wish to impose their religious rules on me?
blackface is mockery of a specific race’s features. drawing muhammad is mockery of a specific religion’s rules. how is there any similarity?
sure, if that’s the tack you want to go on. now that we’ve established islam has been racialized, and that it’s extremely obvious that plastering drawings of Muhammad on the walls has been weaponized as form of racial oppression
why is it racial oppression to draw pictures of some guy? it’s against muslims religious beliefs, but we’re not talking about a religion here, we’re talking about a race.
Do you understand how traumatic it is to grow up in an environment ruled, socially and legally, by religion? It’s fucking horrifying. And then to see people who are supposed to be supporting you calling you racist, a chud, an asshole, etc for daring to suggest that religion shouldn’t control the life of a non-religious person? That’s terrifying too. I’m lashing out because this is truly a terrible, disgusting thing that people here are thoughtlessly supporting.
ok, if they’re a race then they don’t have religious rules i need to respect because races are something you are born into and not sets of beliefs that you follow and impose on others
muslims are a race, and its racist to draw muhammad now
what the fuck is wrong with you lmao this is absurd
ok, imagine for a second that i tell you that, according to my religion, it is wrong to wear red on tuesdays. wearing red on tuesdays is a completely benign act im sure we can both agree, there is nothing wrong with doing so. but ill be offended if you do it.
are you an asshole for deciding to wear red on tuesday? no. of fucking course not. you’re also not racist, or a lib, or a chud, or a reactionary, or any of the shit im being called in these comments.
there is literally nothing racist about drawing muhammad as a statement that you dont respect religious guidelines, just in the same way there’s nothing racist about waving a pride flag in a christian’s face. when people try to impose their religious rules on you and you decide to go out of your way to disrespect those rules, that isnt fucking racist.
these people the OP is talking about are almost certainly racist, yes, but it is not racist to draw muhammad
this whole discourse is about western reactionaries intentionally enflaming the situation by drawing Muhammad outwardly
a muslim’s right to tell a person what they can and can not draw based on religious rules end at their own doorstep. i dont care if they’re drawing muhammad and then printing it on flags and flying those flags on every street corner in the entire world, it literally does not matter and anyone who gets upset at them for it is responsible for their own feelings, because no one has any obligation to respect rules specific to their religion
Why would you ever draw Muhammad?
i have never had any desire to do so and i probably never will, but it is not immoral to do so and i have every right if i did want to
literally what the fuck are you talking about you fucking fool
“take off your shoes or stay out of my house” completely valid. the reason is cleanliness. theres nothing wrong with that. similarly, “dont draw muhammad in my house or go away” thats fine too
“dont draw muhammad in your own house” is fucking absurd and it’s disgusting that you support it. its like a christian telling you not to have gay sex in your house because it’s offensive to their religion
fuck all the way off, your religion does not have power over my fucking life
thats about cleanliness not religion, you people are fucking stupid
asking me to follow religious rules is absolutely too much, yes.
“authoritarianism” isnt a real thing to begin with, thats where your question fails