Depends on your system. D&D 5e has no rule that this would be a crit, as far as I know.
Depends on your system. D&D 5e has no rule that this would be a crit, as far as I know.
Top tips would be:
Start out on hard (1 skull), not normal difficulty (0 skulls). It’s actually easier. Has to do with the enemies that spawn and the damage they deal. They have more HP, but deal less damage.
When stealthing: be patient. Sometimes it’s better to just lay back and wait for a better moment.
For me personally, not sure how other people do it: I consider heists to be in one of three categories: loud, stealth, and crowd control (kill couple (all) guards, control the crowd, no alarm. Stuff like Bank Heist & Jewelry Store). When you get to the point that you start looking into that, it might also help to make 3 seperate builds: 1 for each.
For the crowd control: always bring a saw. It has infinite ammo as long as you aim in the air, and there’s a skill/talent you need for this, but sound intimidates civilians, causing them to stay on the ground. Causing your saw to indefinitely intimidate them.
I always recommend trying it without mods at first, but as soon as you got some hours in, look into modding at the very least your hud. The extra info helps a lot with everything honestly. <- you need this one to mod PD2 in general. <- this is imo the best hud mod out there, but there are others, so you can always try something else ofc.
PD2 has become a big game over the years, with a lot of DLC. If stuff gets confusing, just take a breather, do a regular Bank Heist, and recollect yourself :) The non-DLC heists are always a good starting point.
Every map has certain patterns. You can find them on the fandom/wikia, but you’ll learn most as you play them multiple times.
And lastly: DonAcDum :)
I’ve been playing PD2 recently a bit as well again. Used to play a lot few years back (~1200 hours according to Steam). Lemme know if you want to play together or want some tips or tricks or something :)
Haven’t there always been rules about only 1 piece of carry-on, and there were limits for its size? It was simply never checked. Resulting in overhead boxes being full because some people brought multiple bags, resulting in some people being unable to store their stuff overhead. They’re just enforcing the rules now right? Or has something actually changed?
It doesn’t though. They has been used for singular without knowing the gender for a long time.
I feel this is a false equivalency. Toys are easy, and you often know if the other person would like it or not, in which case you get them the toy, and not a gift card. The statment being made here is money vs gift cards, not money vs actual items.
The comparison is off. A better comparison would be:
“Here, kid. Here’s 50 buck to go to this restaurant I think you’d like” “Why not get me a gift card? / Thanks, but I dont like that restaurant. Thankfully I can spent it in others, whereas I wouldn’t be able to with a gift card”.
I’m sorry, I don’t know enough about the English language to recognise the difference. What would the phrase be in future tense?
But arent the ones from the circle 90 degrees on the inside of the circle as well? The squares could’ve just as well been placed on the other side of the (circle) lines.
Am I the only one who’s never used a plunger (and never needed to)?
CGP Grey on that subject <3
Took me a few minutes to find, but you are correct! Not his daughter. In fact: his girlfriend. For the record: he’s 49 apparently.
Do… Do cars not have license plates on both the front and back of the car in the US?
How is this Microsoft’s fault?
Personally a great fan of the CGP Grey videos. Continents in this case: