You’re right, we should just stop using any resources.
You’re right, we should just stop using any resources.
Mitigating doesn’t mean you prevented it from happening. I would say mitigate is a reasonable word for exactly what they did.
Joe Dirt finally snapped. He was quoted on air saying “I’m a rocker, dude through and through.”
It also wasn’t the first line in any version I can find.
First of all, its not the first line. Second of all, that is in regards to avoiding harm through action, not taking action to prevent harm as you suggest it is.
How is that applicable to this particular discussion?
Unless the difference is not harming the dingo.
This is how I know the device only serves as a bug for the US and its allies, which I guess is probably an improvent.
Invasive species in Florida are really getting out of hand.
Yeah but where is my free foil and straw?
Trump was born in '46 so he is right at the start of the boomers. With Clinton and W, he is the third boomer pres.
Well that surely will never be abused.
These people are likely the same people who vote for tax reductions and plead for a ‘small government’.
How do you figure? Seems just as likely these are big government should do everything types In reality, I’d be surprised there is any ideological vonsistency and most(given the frequent stats given on Americans lack of emergency funds) can’t afford the high bills to replace the main on their property.
Biden is actually too old for the current common range for boomers and falls under the Silent Generation.
Oh I agree. I try to give people benefit of the doubt, but I live in a place with a reputation for really good water and still run into people that don’t drink it.
In some places the tap water is decidedly less pleasant than others. What gets me is the people that think the tap water is gross about places with wonderful tap water.
I’m a little surpised to see WA above OR but most of my WA water was wells and Bull Run water is pretty good.
Thats great news. I didn’t even realize how long its been since the Umatilla site was finished.
Are we just going to completely ignore the legacy cluster munitions leave behind for future generations? Are they the only option we have left to send to Ukraine?
Straight to the personal attacks ehh?