Anyway Microsoft Store games can be added? Probably not eh? As they are DRM’d to hell
That is a great write up. Thank you for that. It was incredibly helpful to know.
I’ll check it out. Thanks.
Looks like I’ll need to know some HTML first. Any recommendations on where to learn?
I checked in with them. They said a general knowledge of at least HTML will help greatly so I’ll start there.
Would you recommend I get the basics of JavaScript/HTML/CSS before diving in? Or is it something I can figure out on the way?
Well shit
Fucked up story from start to finish.
I read in another article that you can sleep with Druids in wild shape. They went wild with this game apparently lol.
I was just coming to post the same thing! Hilarious thing to be able to customize. Overall it looks like it’ll be amazing.
In email messages seen by the BBC, Mr Rush had previously dismissed safety worries from one expert, saying he was “tired of industry players who try to use a safety argument to stop innovation”.
Seems as though he thought he was fighting against the stifling of innovation. In reality it seems he truly was unsafe and definitely should have had better oversight.
I’ll keep my eyes open. Thanks
I feel like the people who are pirating (beyond online streaming sites) are a little more technically inclined anyways so the fediverse shouldn’t be too much of an issue to navigate.
Both of’em are losers.