Living in good times? Tell that to the people getting deported. This clownery hasn’t directly affected me yet. Everything is fine.
Living in good times? Tell that to the people getting deported. This clownery hasn’t directly affected me yet. Everything is fine.
Ironically mercury while being the closest planet to the sun, isn’t the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus takes that title because of its atmosphere holding so much co2. Im sure its fine were putting so much of it in our atmosphere.
Tinfoil hat time, but im more concerned that some kind of false flag would happen on a boarder city. Kill a lot of people, blame it on migrants, close the border, declare martial law, cancel elections.
I see what youre saying, but clearly pigs were harmed for this fun.
so because you paid for it, the items is magically transformed into something that isnt junk? is it more efficient to have parts of that junk shipped all over the world to be assembled then shipped all over again to be sold?
are you serious? business dont give a fuck about waste. look at the plastics industry. lightbulbs were another historic example of something being made less efficient so that it made more money
Whew that shattered off a fragment of my mind. It’s ironic that we say they want to own (get one over on) the libs, but what they really want is to do is own (enslave) an outgroup.
Do you think unions work by having members jump between jobs every few years? You just want to feel superior to the people doing labor for you. The problem is the people hoarding all the cookies not the people starving.
I keep seeing this sentiment, but just from reading the text, you should have a look in the mirror.
who going to make your gross taco bell then?
I think you are greatly overestimating the average Americans media literacy skills.
You are right I accidently a zero. Tbf I was still right just not as accurate. 🤗
He’s already had a hand in the deaths of over 100000 1000000 Americans why would he care about 60 more?
you are over cooking your eggs if they come out with grey yolks
8$ 18pack cage free OH
You mean the satanic panic lady was pure…
We’re you asleep a couple months ago… They were welcomed back with open arms…
This is wishful thinking, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
And nothing of value was lost.
The cerebral bore from turok 2.