Ergo keyboard enthusiast.

Daily drives a couple of Dometyl generated dactyl keyboards (3x6+2+6 keys per side), using Optimot layout.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • If you are allowed to configure the keymap on all your host systems, the way to go is to choose a keymap having all required characters (for instance, standard Bépo), install it everywhere, and have your keyboard produce (sequences of) keycodes depending on this.

    An alternative would be to input Unicode characters via XCompose under Linux and WinCompose under Windows. The latter claims to be compatible with the former, so it’s worth a try (but you need to be allowed to install WinCompose, of course!)

    Other Unicode input methods based on alt+number/ctrl+shift+U+number/… all are OS specific unfortunately.

    Edit: btw, PM me if you want my QMK macros for dead key based diacriticized characters.

  • It’s an interesting design. I wonder if that could work with high profile MX switches and keycaps.

    In Dactyls, the reason keys often face inward is as to keep key tops is close to each other as possible. Facing outward would obviously have the opposite effect, but with low profile keys it is less noticeable.

    Now, there is one case you really want the keys closer, it is between 2 columns belonging to the same finger.

  • The starting point is whether you need an ergo keyboard. Is there some specific pain point out fatigue you want to alleviate? Are there some parameters you need to fix first?

    The next obligatory step, assuming you need (or want for whatever reason) an ergo keyboard, is a visit here:

    Select interesting layouts, print them 1:1 scale and try placing your fingers on the print. Then you will see whether the Moonlander us for you (maybe you need to fold the sheet along the thumb cluster hinge, in the case of this keyboard), or if some other 2d layout is better.

    (There will remain the question whether a 3d key well would not work better, à la kinesis advantage/dactyl/glove80/…)