I absolutely was not ready for this game whr I played through it. It was such an emotional journey when it all came to a close
I absolutely was not ready for this game whr I played through it. It was such an emotional journey when it all came to a close
Cloudflare DNS Proxy sounds like exactly what you’re looking for, where cloudflare acts as the DNS middleman and responds with their own IPs, while forwarding all traffic for the site(s) to your public IP space
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes has an entire manual that you should print out and put in a binder, and your manual monkeys will absolutely need pen and paper to help you defuse the bomb in front of you
You might consider looking at Fata Deum which was kickstarted specifically as a spiritual successor to the Black and White games, and the god game genre in general.
I just want to encourage this sort of thing, I too have an extensive just of humble bundle keys I’m not using, please reroll if you pick me.
I have a unique first name, but a common last name so I have the exact same pattern for my professional email address