Collective punishment is a war crime.
Collective punishment is a war crime.
What would he be if not fascist? The great slumbering old one who will teach us new ways to sin that leads to our destruction?
What is death to that which can forever lie. Thru countless strange eons death itself may faulter
I think you misunderstood my joke. I’m not pro rich people I promise you.
And the people did covetith the land of the green. And so they therefore did proclaim that they it should be givith unto them.
But see that the people who coveted were henceforth shamed for their desires. For what they desired was not theirs to desire.
I remember how frustrated my mother got when the school told her I needed to be in remedial reading. My parents were both teachers so she thought “I got this”
She told me to read a book and she’d ask me some questions about it. I couldn’t answer a single one.
So she had me read the book out loud to her. I did. Still couldn’t answer a single question. Blew her mind that I could read a book out loud and not even be paying attention to it. That’s when they got me diagnosed with ADHD.
Every doctor I’ve been to since hasn’t even needed me to tell them. They notice on their own.
I’m not arguing that Elon musk is anything but an absolute tool.
SS numbers have 999 million options. Are we already repeating them?
“who do I want pointing a gun at my head today?”
Paying more than a few cents for coffee Spending more than $3 a day on food
Ehhhhh. I get why. But no.
My grandfather never once spoke about the war. His joke in the nursing home was funny . That joke was still different than this joke.
He didn’t say he’d enjoy it, he didn’t say he was okay with it. He said he can do and he’s done it before.
I wasn’t in WW2 obviously. I will.comoare it to growing up on a farm. I had to kill starving stray dogs people dropped off in the country side.
I can do it. I can kill a dog. I have killed plenty of dogs. I don’t enjoy killing dogs, I’m okay with killing dogs. I can do it.
My grandfather could kill people. Those people I assume were mostly Nazis during the war. He never mentioned random roadside murders. He could kill Nazis. He had killed Nazis before. He didn’t say he was okay with killing Nazis. You shouldn’t be okay taking a life even if it had to be done.
I was doing the starving dogs a favor… I was never okay with it tho. It should never be fun to take a life, even if you have to. It should never be okay.
We had to pull my grandfather from the nursing home (God rest him. Left is at 104)
We had to pull him because he kept telling the younger residents “I killed the Nazis once I can kill you again”
Hell of a man. Side note he’s also part of the reason rabies isn’t a big thing in America. He was a chemist for the board of health. Helped to deploy a vaccine that could be put into bait for wild animals to eat.
Another side not: my dad was a trump supporter, my grandad was too old to go vote. My dad used his vote to vote democrat on his behalf . Purely out of respect for my mother’s dad.
Hell of a man.
God damn they even stole the damn comment. Can’t have nothing
The comment summoned a demon but the joke in the episode was pretty funny. Hank had trouble opening the can of wd-40 so he pulled out a smaller can and sprayed the bigger can. It was a funny moment.
Tax return filings in the US. There are free options provided by the paid companies… So that they can prevent real changes.
Kinda like pharmaceutical companies when the public demands cheaper prices. The pharmaceutical companies fight back with “what if instead of that we set up some programs that people can use for cheaper medicine! Win win! Then you don’t have to make any real changes that might hurt us?”
Same with taxes. The accounting software companies and advisors companies said “wait hold on, you don’t need to make taxes simpler and tank our business. Keep them complicated and well offer free alternatives that are just as easy as our paid services that people can pick if they don’t want to pay! Win win!”
Which obviously I think is a crap solution. However if you are paying for someone to do your taxes you should stop. There are a lot of easy free services out there that make it pretty much effortless. They are just as good as the paid services now.
Honestly I’m always a bit shocked when I hear a country has a king. Like obviously I know England has a royal family but when it’s like “the king of Denmark decided-” I’m always thinking “they still have a king? Why do they still have a king? I thought we all decided we weren’t doing that anymore?”
I guess the best way to explain it is if you heard in the news “a slave revolt in Florida killed three today” your first thought would be “wait… They’re still doing slaves over there? I just assumed we were all done with that”
Probably a stupid question but have you guys ever considered… Not having royalty? Like I get why England does it, it’s a tourist attraction, Buckingham palace, those guard who don’t move for whatever reason (which honestly is silly because what I want most out of my hired guards is… Moving around and doing guard stuff) but there money in that I’m sure.
I got to say Denmark sounds beautiful and I’d love to visit sometime. I wouldn’t go by the royal family’s house. Didn’t even know you guys had one.
You guys could just… You know … Stabbing motion get rid of that dead weight. But I suppose it’s not my business. I should probably just focus on managing my slaves… Some of them learned to read recently so I need to put a stop to that.
Edit: On the other hand you’re probably one of those countries with like healthcare, no school shootings, and bike lanes. So maybe kings are the way to go.
Ami saw the new coat of arms. As a stupid American with no knowledge of your country and history…
I think it was a good choice even if this didn’t happen.
Again, I have no idea about the history…
It looked like two weird lion things in square one, then repeated in square two. Then like one squiggly lion thing in the forth square… The third square was a cramped partition of multiple symbols.
Again, don’t know the history. I’m sure the repeated squigly lions ment something meaningful. Visually the coat of arms look better now.
I also have a lot of opinions on my state flag tho (Florida) what the fuck is with that steam boat? Are steam boats important to Florida? I’ve just got opinions on how these things look. It doesn’t mean anything insulting to your country.
Unfortunately it wouldn’t be fair to call him a fucker now. The only thing he’s fucking these days is a rolled up pillow. It’s disrespectful to the true fuckers of the world. He gets an *
Theres also a chance he could have a heart attack or stroke and die long before that. Or his mind could completely fail him. He’s old. I know there’s a lot jokes about it being passed down to his kids but none of them have the support he does.
Everyone eventually dies. It’s the great equalizer.
Lol that’s wild. What color is your Bugatti now mother f*cker lol
“no surprise” won’t be here tomorrow
I can’t believe they made it thru till today
The budget cuts have left them empty and hollow
I know in time we’ll find this is no surprise
The hospital we used to go
What bills will come? No one knows.
Elon musks left us high and dry
I know in time we’ll find this is no surprise