Welcome to Advent’s Amazing Advice! I take popular One-Shots and Campaigns and fully prep them for New and Busy DMs. This prep includes ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible!
Thank you! I’ve prepped over 6 dozen! You can find a full list of them here!
Of course and thanks so much for asking, looks like I have a bit of updating to my posts so that I can make things as clear as possible, here’s the gist though!
The job itself is basically doing the exact thing that’s being done for the contest! Prepping popular One-Shots and Adventures.
I’m offering the same amount that I charge for commissions, so $100 for each One-Shot Prepped; with up to a bonus $100 for each completed project based on how closely the person can match my style. If the person is good enough, then they’ll eventually receive a percentage of all profits from Advent’s Amazing Advice! Payment is via Venmo, but other ways can be worked out if needed! The work is online/commission based so nationality isn’t an issue.
For Content Production/Hours, I’m looking for someone who can prep between 1-2 One-Shots a month, you can choose when, where, and how to complete the work! I’ll be guiding the person to match my style and be there to help with anything that pops up along the way. I’ll still be prepping other One-Shots and Campaigns as well and expanding new ways to help people!
As for judging, that will be done by me the creator of Advent’s Amazing Advice; since I’m looking for someone who can match my style specifically. Only I will be able to see the work and only the winners will get a post on my Patreon!
Hope that helps answer your questions, if you have any more just let me know, I’m only a message away!
Cheers, Advent
I appreciate your feedback! When I make my post, the DM Notes are completely free and able to be used by anyone! The additional One-Shots are a mix of Free and Patron content, but I offer a preview of all of it which can also be used as a starting point for those who need it! I also talk about my Patreon in the last paragraph. I’ll try to make it clearer in the future that this is for D&D since we’re on a RPG section and not a D&D specific one. Thanks again!
Cheers, Advent
Haha nice, that alone might help get your players into D&D!
Just be careful those who aren’t interested don’t ruin it for those who are! Keep us posted on how your game goes, I’m super curious!!!
Oh wow so 7 players total, that’s quite a bit, especially for a first-time DM, I usually don’t recommend more than 5. I pick 5 because if one player bails then you have 4 which to me is the perfect number! Having a ton of players can really draw out fights and for social encounters can leave people out of the limelight.
DMing can certainly be a lot of work but it’s real rewarding and hey guess what If your players love it you can always use any of these resources for future sessions!
100% agree that balancing encounters can be difficult! One tip is that you can take a look at other One-Shots/Adventures that are already balanced and around the level you’re looking for and use those!
I posted it separately in different communities?
I just finished prepping a One-Shot based on Kiki’s delivery service that’s meant for a DM and 1 Player! I’ll be testing it out in a week or two, just thought I’d let you know!!! Even if you’ve never seen the movie it’s pretty fun!
Haha ya i get it, sometimes you’ve just gotta let your players know. You worked on prepping a session and it’s fine if they want to do crazy things, but they need to give you a heads up and not go straight murderhobo all the time! 🤣
100% agree, I’ve run this at least 3 times and it’s always so exciting to see what the players come up with!
Wow, that’s ridiculous 🤣 What did you end up doing?
Very nice and great adjusting on the fly for an epic encounter!!!
Oh my god, that is such a cool story! It’s crazy things like this why I love D&D!!!
You’re welcome and same, I always use this one for new players it was actually the first ever One-Shot I ran!
Consider it updated!
Really glad that you like it, I’m always looking for interesting and fun sessions to prep!
Unfortunately, I don’t yet, but I do have it planned for the future since I know it’s a popular request. I already have a few in mind! It’ll probably end up being a 2-3 session adventure as well! That being said I know people have taken my notes and tweaked them for solo play since the only thing you have to adjust is combat!
That’s amazing to hear! Ya DMing feels like another job in and of itself sometimes, so glad I could help. If you get the chance to use my notes let me know how your session goes, I’d love to hear anything you think I could improve, tips from experienced DMs are always appreciated!
Very true on both ends! Hey once they get more experience, there are some really challenging things they can try! I recommend The Egg of Estyr for the sheer awesomeness, but if you want really challenging combat then anything from Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting is solid, I’ve got Shadow of the Broodmother prepped just like this as well as The Reign of Iron!
Correct! At the moment, I don’t have my prep set up a la carte, but if you’d like just the prep for this one shot, you can join and cancel right away; I won’t be offended!