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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • Actionschnils@feddit.orgtocats@sh.itjust.worksBlack Cats
    11 days ago

    In Germany, black cats arent meaning " bad luck", theyre more like bringing destiny. Fore example, if a black cat crosses the road infront of you, it depends on the direction of the cat. From right to left : good luck From lef to right: bad luck

    So black cats are making your life just a little more turbulent :|

  • Ok another try:

    If I get offered 2 options, and both options are bad for me, I wouldn’t choose either. By this, I dont rank their “badness”, I just tell that those options are not suitable for me. Not more not less.

    Like arsenic and trash. They are both not suitable for me. But I dont rank them. I just say " no".

    I my bubble the term tankie means somethin like a neo-sowjet, who thinks that the SU was heaven on earth. Not a communist. To be honest, I havent invested any real effort in researching this. But I just quotet the word, theyre not my words.

    And once again Please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.

  • First of all: I didnt set them equal. I just said I wouldnt chose either. If you are offering me two meals: A deadly vial of arsenic and some garbage out of your trash, i wouldnt chose too.

    And furthermore: Tankie (as far as I understand this word) doesnt mean communist. And the communists I know, dont want to be seen like this.

    So please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.

  • Actionschnils@feddit.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlsuper plumbers
    17 days ago

    I assume you are something between LateTeenage to mid 20s, probably grown up in the USA? You are unsecurce about all the fascist-stuff happing right now and the regular civil resistance is … weak? So you take the extremistic way. Killing people, even the innocent, is a necessary evil. Human rights, democratic principles are a just burden you dont want to keep up. I can fully understand that you look for a simple solution in troublesometimes. And as a young(?) person its your right to have weird ideas about the world. And as long we have free media, you can cultivate your ideas, but you can move on to other conclusions and revidate you points of view. Its your own path. … I really hope for you, that you never have to endure the cruelties and terror of an arbitrary, authocratic regime like the stalinism.

  • Actionschnils@feddit.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlsuper plumbers
    18 days ago

    Yeah sure. Its all fake. All the witnesses, who got their memories recorded by “Memorial” are payed agent by the captilastic propaganda. And all the bodies in the massgraves are droped there by the USA to make Stalin look bad. You sure can drop some shady “sources” to proof this insanity. If you want to I can proof Hitlera innocence the same way. Or that repitles are living in the Earthcore.

    Im from Europe. I met a couple of people who witnessed his mess. Or had to endure unthinkable Cruilties.

    Stalin is a Monster. Not the worst, but still a Monster

  • First of all, lets make one thing clear. Im very fond for the idea of cutting the wealth of the rich for the community. I just dont like the wording in this campaign. Imho it would be much more to convincing to be honest and transparent. Or by speaking less concrete like “tax the rich”

    And furthermore: This kinda explainations is not that easy, especially in a foreign language.

    Ok, lets try to think this through.

    Billionaires usually dont have most of theire money as private wealth. As far as im rember, most of the German Billionaires are “Mittelständler”, part of old bussiness-Families or are shareholder as part of their bussines. Sure, they have often have a similar power over their wealth as private owner, but its not the same. And furthermore if they have a lot of “private wealth”, they hide it somewhere like, foundations(?, Stiftungen), SubCompanies or oversea.

    So we have to cut non-private-Wealth.

    Art. 14 wont help much there, because you have compensate to them and imho its hard to proof the weight of the greater needs in the “Güterabwägung” (balancing of the interests?). To see how complicated this kinda stuff is, take a look at the “Deutsche Wohnen enteignen”-campaign and the outcome by now.

    So the more suitable way to achieve this goal would be taxes and removing tax-holes. But how do you want to tax only billionairs? Especially when they are “companies”, “foundations” etc? Especially without collateral-Damages? Or breaking fundamental rules like the equal treatment principle(?) Besides: even if you finde a possible way, you would be facing a lot of political power in an unfair fight against the billionairs. And because of all the lawsuits it will be taking a long time to get through. And if you would have achieved you goal in the long run, the money will long be gone. Somewhere “far” away.

    Its just a short take on this problem, but as a young father, my freetime is limited :>