My main issue with wefwef is that I can’t directly save an image to the camera roll
My main issue with wefwef is that I can’t directly save an image to the camera roll
I don’t really like all the LLM hype, but I’m hoping that documentation will eventually be generated by some open source model, with human verification
What happens if a publisher never releases a non-denuvo build, just withdraws it from the store after the denuvo contract ends? If their patent is to be believed, there is no way to run a game without information from the server, since tiny parts of the exe are removed and only sent when the ticket is requested, and no way to crack it after the fact. Does the game just disappear if it was never cracked? How can somebody live with the fact that part of culture just disappeared, with the fact that a work of art just got lost forever because a corporation decided that profits were more important than maintaining a work of art? The existence of DRM is reprehensible, it only facilitates the restriction of works of art for monetary gain. The growth of human civilization can be attributed in no small part to the free flow of information. Now that information is restricted, not to protect anybody, simply because corporations decided that preventing a tiny group of people from accessing that media without a paying the bridge troll was more important than allowing art to flow freely.
What about using something like a protonmail address for all social media email?
The Elon Zuck cage match occurs, with the Logitech 710 emerging the victor
Women I knew started to care when I showed them articles about how google and meta knew their menstrual cycles, and reported on searches about abortions to law emfprcemt
SuperFastMatt is a super good channel, if you just discovered them, you’ve got a bunch to look forward to. Tesla-Powered jag, land speed car, off-road Biper series
Easiest way I’ve found to maintain a ratio is an old shitty laptop connected to storage seeding whatever free leech torrents you can find 24/7
Those don’t actually download from Spotify, at least Spotiflyer I know downloads from YouTube Soggify reconstructs songs as you play them, so you end up with the original file on your laptop
You don’t need a VPN for private trackers, the only risk is from IP Trolls, and they don’t have access to the tracker so they can’t see your IP address
There’s nothing for iOS 15, and I’m not willing to upgrade and lose my MDC tweaks :(
Nope, you’re shit out of luck as far as a crack goes, the only Denuvo cracker lost interest in Denuvo for now and has started selling Stable Diffusion generated pictures. According to Denuvo’s patent application, it cannot work without internet connection, because it needs to connect to their server and download a ticket, which contains some “Nominal constants” which were removed from the binary, and the binary cannot run without those bytes. There’s something called activations that some people do, they log in and get the denuvo ticket for your system downloaded, but that only works until your system either updates or you change some hardware, anything that would change the HWID that the game binary checks.
That’s a bit extreme though. I hate proprietary BS, but am able to admit that sometimes the right tool for the job is proprietary. Fucking hate licensing, I needed to save my friends’ asses in their CAD classes a bunch of times because the softwares’ proprietary DRM BS decided that their legit license was old, and replaced their software with last years’ version, so none of their homework could be opened.
What if you were presented with the choice to download a prepatched binary or a file that allowed another program to do the patching? How about if you had the choice between downloading a python CLI keygen or a compiled gui/cli ELF or PE keygen? Granted, that would allow the DRM makers to more easily modify their key validation or obfuscation
I hate proprietary stuff, but sometimes Proprietary is the best option. IDA and Binja have features that Ghidra and Curtter lack, Charles Proxy and Fiddler have more features than mitmproxy, IntelliJ is just better than Eclipese or VSCodium, Autocad and most of the Autodesk suite have no FOSS counterparts. On the flip side, you have Notepad++ that’s better than Sublime, x64dbg is my favorite debugger, and I’ve been using Lunacy for photo editing recently over the multiple m0nkrus packs I have in my torrent client, and Blender is better in a lot of scenarios than Maya or whatever else.
Just joined you from that featured site, it just works. People are complaining about how hard it is to switch, I genuinely don’t know what the difficulty is
What bill was passed that allows this?