Let’s go 🇨🇦!
Just checking out this Lemmy thing. Also, on Mastodon.
Let’s go 🇨🇦!
As an Oilers fan I am all too familiar with having the second best goalie in the game. This has that feel.
You paid off debt? How do you ever expect to get ahead doing that?
I already have two kids. Is it too late to adopt this lifestyle?
For day to day use I generally grab anything that I am interested in and leave it seeding indefinitely, or until I need to prune to free up some space.
If I need to boost ratio I grab something that is new and hot to seed for a bit. In general though, I try to seed things that have lower seeder counts so that they remain available. Many times these are not things that I am really interested in.
If you are not using any private trackers then I suggest you get on one and just be active. If there is a particular thing you are interested in then there is probably a tracker for it.
I also seed Linux ISOs but those are public so it doesn’t help when it comes to ratio or anything. It’s just a thing that I do because I can.
I recently watched Twisted Metal and it was pretty darn good. Who doesn’t love cars with guns?
That is a good way to explain it. Well done.
I read somewhere that the base game pass for console doesn’t include online multiplayer. That seems weird but might explain why the price is close to gold.
I tried for a long time to find reliable sources for the races and kept hitting a wall. Any sources I did find didn’t last or were unreliable. I eventually gave up looking.
I finally bought F1 TV Pro and don’t regret it one bit. The stream quality is great and being able to switch cameras whenever I want is a huge feature. The value added features are why I will continue to pay for it.
Not yet. I have all of the altars in Fractured Peaks so far. Other than that I haven’t specifically been looking for them. I probably should be I suppose.
Yeah. I tried to grab the binaries which are on GitHub of course.
I went to the releases page which links to GitHub. I will clone the repo instead.
Already taken down. I tried to grab a copy but wasn’t fast enough.
Lol. I was wondering if that was what you meant. I decided to go with it anyway. Anyway, we are all better off without Twitter.
Gaming by committee. How bad can it be? I guess we’ll find out.
Yup. They will use the fact that a user said they pirated a movie as a starting point. If Reddit capitulated and handed over the user info that could be used to hunt for more evidence and possibly connect them to other pirates. It would open a juicy can of worms for these bottom feeders. Good on Reddit for standing up for their users.
This is what I’m thinking. This is just a case of them seeing how far they can take it. Once precedent is set they can start to litigate based on a user merely mentioning that they pirated a movie.
I have a Block News account that I add to every now and then. I haven’t used it in a couple years since the indexer I was using shut down. Haven’t really looked for a new indexer though.
Scraping Twitter might not be the best option either.
Fuck yeah! McDavid with the winner!