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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • Your Radio Shack example is legit. I had an uncle who worked at Radio Shack as some sort of, idk, tech or something? I was a kid and it was in the 80’s, all I knew was that he worked there and made good money doing it.

    Then one day he gets recruited by a multinational tech corporation and moves to Berlin to work in a lab. He could’ve taken my aunt with him, but she cheated on him as soon as he left for the 2 probationary weeks he spent in Germany before the company in question committed to hiring him.

    He eventually became a millionaire with dual citizenship and my aunt married some abusive dipshit who immediately went broke. Now she works in a pickle factory. Ain’t life interesting?

  • … and that said, I cancelled years ago after their 3rd price hike in 18 months (in Canada). been sailing the high seas ever since and feel absolutely no guilt whatsoever. I remember their excuse was always something like, “In order to continue to bring you top-shelf content, we must also continue to raise your monthly fee, while at the same time our original content becomes increasingly shitty and we systematically remove quality content from our library, leaving you with horrible Netfux originals as your only option”