God these dorks talk like no one ever slapped them in the mouth. Bunch of little assholes.
God these dorks talk like no one ever slapped them in the mouth. Bunch of little assholes.
Excellent. I also recently stopped my subscription.
Best they can do is embrace fascism.
If you completely trust everyone in your coalition it is not a coalition.
I am both. I am getting better at finishing too.
I didn’t see the entrance. Yeah that’s a big loss for sure. Come check out Detroit, all our old buildings are Deco.
I live near Detroit, The Guardian Building especially the interior. I did a move job there for Wayne County. Beautiful building. One Detroit Center and The Fisher Theater too. The Renaissance Center can get pushed into the river though.
Never said Trump Tower was better I just said that other building wasn’t beautiful.
That was the most beautiful building? I hate Trump but it’s so plain. I was expecting something actually cool looking.
My favorite Osman moment was when he realized he was really annoying Peter Sripol the time they collaborated. I was like, I’m certainly annoyed by you.
I’m glad I reminded you, Bruton is so talented and smart.
I watch some of those, I really dig AlphaPhoenix, and Styropyro, Osman rubs me the wrong way though.
Thought Emporium is the growing cells to play Doom one right? That channel blew my mind.
Have you seen James Bruton and his crazy robots and vehicles?
He’s a really good teacher and super talented.
He’s also calm which I appreciate. I don’t like being yelled at from the screen.
Right now it’s blacksmithing. I just bought a forge and anvil and have been watching Black Bear Forge.
A perennial favorite is 3D printing, I’ve followed news and videos about that since the RepRap project.
I watch a few music and electronics channels, I got a circuit board from Look Mum no Computer to build a synthesizer and learn soldering.
Rockhounding, like Michigan Rocks, my friend and I have been getting into looking for rocks on beaches.
For a period in my mid 30’s I tried Skateboarding and longboarding and watched a lot of that.
I used to watch a lot of disc golf, carpentry, RC and cooking.
I really just like knowing how to do a little bit of everything.
I find new channels around new hobbies constantly so they just kinda drift away.
The volunteers at my local air museum all were just excited about the planes and the little demos they had. They also had a huge Rosie the Riveter section because it was the bomber plant filled with ladies building planes to kill Nazis.
I wonder if that’s Willow Run, I was just there. Totally would have lied about the planes to her. No on second thought this has hard barriers around the planes, WR there’s nothing.
Endgame was a clipshow which was a let down for me. That was my step off as well.
I had a teacher during sex ed start yelling about how you gotta work on and please your lady not a “wham bam thank you ma’am”, his words. Now not in 7th grade sex ed it wouldn’t have been so weird. Same teacher had a diabetic fit and started yelling and writing E over and over while grading our tests.
Dead billionaire is far superior to any number of live ones.