Don’t threaten me with a good time
Don’t threaten me with a good time
I want off mister musks wild ride.
I’m so excited! I’m so scared!
Well much higher and the crew turns to salamanders
Ah good point. In this case Vance could be elected as vice president in the senate, and the assume the office of president until the house gets its shit together
So if they fail to elect a speaker and can’t certify before the 20th, in theory Chuck Grassely as president pro tempore of the senate, would assume office at least until such time that the votes would be certified.
That’s assuming they keep with tradition of electing the most senior member of the party in power to the position. In all likelyhood if this were even a remote possibility they’d put some trump loyalist in the position until trump was sworn in. Grassley may be a loyalist, I’m not entirely sure. And of course this is assuming the senate has their shit together. If they don’t, I think the current Secretary of State gets it.
Also if they are publicly traded I’m pretty sure that information is freely available by law
Doubtful. It’s probably a state crime.
Isn’t his (ex)wife captain janeway?
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to
Of course it is, but I’m just talking about why these things survive
Same as VGA, shit just works, don’t need to worry about drivers or OS. So if your server shits the bed, you don’t need to worry about these things not working so you can can figure what went wrong.
Oh hey it’s that guy who was in game of thrones with the guy who was in doctor who!
Beverly Crusher has entered the chat
But I never thought the leopards would eat my face!