• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I tried many years ago but couldn’t readily find an explanation for the process/reasoning, but I did find one now in the video here and it does make sense I also checked Wikipedia and learned more:

    All fluoridation methods, including water fluoridation, create low levels of fluoride ions in saliva and plaque fluid, thus exerting a topical or surface effect. A person living in an area with fluoridated water may experience rises of fluoride concentration in saliva to about 0.04 mg/L several times during a day.[3] Technically, this fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather controls the rate at which they develop.

    Fluoride’s effects depend on the total daily intake of fluoride from all sources.[51] About 70–90% of ingested fluoride is absorbed into the blood, where it distributes throughout the body. In infants 80–90% of absorbed fluoride is retained, with the rest excreted, mostly via urine; in adults about 60% is retained. About 99% of retained fluoride is stored in bone, teeth, and other calcium-rich areas, where excess quantities can cause fluorosis.[79] Drinking water is typically the largest source of fluoride.

  • Wouldn’t it be better to give families vouchers for toothpaste and toothbrushes? Or have subsidized lower price ones available?

    I never really understood how water briefly swishing through your teeth with some minimal amount of fluoride in it has any effect on the teeth. (edit: explanation in the replies). Fluoridation comes across as a way for industry to legitimize toxic waste instead of having to treat it and dispose of it responsively and ecologically.

    Meanwhile we are ingesting it when drinking tap water, along with our pets and all other animals that have access to the water supply, and we wash our hands with it and shower with it, and we ingest it further through crops/food that is grown/prepared with the water.

  • I’ve been using RSS to keep up with channels and it’s been great. I recently found out that you can use a different feed url to only get the main videos from the channel (to filter out shorts and livestreams)

    So instead of the channel url (which gets converted to https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC...) you use https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=UULF... (might stand for User Uploads Long Form)

    If you use an addon (like Feedbro) you can automatically get the first rss URL and manually convert it by clicking on Find Feeds In Current Tab when on the channel’s page, then right-click copy the “rss” hyperlink. Otherwise, you can look for the channel ID in the page source by searching for =UC.

  • A lot of this was already covered but here’s what I have:

    • Lights/screens:
      • Switching to light sources/bulbs with lower brightness/warmer light temperature (lower Kelvin/K-value) 3 hours before bed. (Light affects our sleep-wake cycle, aka the circadian rhythm. Our brain processes bright light as “the sun is still up so it’s not time to sleep yet”)
      • Gradually dimming electronic screens until bedtime. (Computer: using a program like F.lux and lowering the brightness gradually in the graphics card’s control panel. Phone: with a built-in Night/Dark Mode option that you can schedule or by using an app like Twilight). // Don’t take your devices to the bedroom, or keep them far away from the bed and set them on silent/shut them off.
      • Use a face mask (or tie some other cloth around your eyes), or sleep in a dark room (closed door, covered windows, covered LED lights on electronics, etc.) (note: if you sleep in a closed room make sure to keep it well-ventilated in all other hours)
    • Try not to sleep for more than 8 hours, so you’ll always be tired enough the next night.
    • Masking noise:
      • Use something that makes a white noise - a loud fan/air purifier, a plugged-in radio that’s not tuned to a working station, a white noise device, etc. (put it next to a window if it’s noisy outside to mask the noise better)
      • Additionally (or alternatively) you can use foam earplugs. Just make sure to roll&squeeze them before putting them in and don’t push them too far, otherwise you might get impacted earwax and have difficulty getting them out.
    • Food: Have a light meal 3-3.5 hours before bed and light snacks (like crackers) 1.5-2 hours before bed, to not go to sleep hungry and get distracted by that and to not put the body into overdrive by having to digest a heavy meal, or cause heartburn/indigestion.
    • If you sleep on your stomach with your head to the side, you can use a thin and narrow side pillow (but firm) along your torso to support your shoulder on the side that your head is pointing to. (you can also use a thin pillow for your head to not strain your neck/spine - there are ones made for kids if needed)

  • Tab Snooze - allows you to close a tab and have it reappear at a chosen time later

    Media URL Timestamper - automatically inserts the current timestamp of the YouTube/Twitch video you’re watching and updates it in the history in case you accidentally close/navigate away from the page or go to a different time in the video

    Feedbro - RSS reader with filtering capabilities

    Redirector - auto-redirect specific URLs (for example, changing a YouTube Shorts url into a regular one, or changing Reddit links to always go to Old Reddit)

    Undo Close Tab Button - allows you to restore recently closed tabs including the tab’s history in the back button (max amount = browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo)

    Violentmonkey - using userscripts that allow you to change things on websites.

    YouTube Comment Reader - allows you to search through the comments of a video (by clicking on the addon in the Extension menu and then clicking on the “YouTube Comment Reader” at the top or the “X Comments” at the bottom of the tooltip)

    Page Shadow - allows you to use dark and light themes on sites that don’t have the option to change it.

    And if you’re like me and you find that some YT videos feel too slow but 1.25x is too fast, then you can use Enhancer for YouTube’s “Playback speed” feature to have smaller speed steps. Then you can hold ctrl and use the scrollwheel (while over the video) to change the video’s speed by the amount you chose (I use 0.05 speed variation, mostly changing to 1.05x or 1.10x)

  • For the more advanced, you can also mess around with the userChrome.css file. To create it open a text editor and save the file as userChrome.css in the \Chrome folder in your Firefox profile folder* (make sure to restart Firefox to apply the changes)

    To enable the file, enter about:config in the address bar, then accept the warning if it appears. Search for toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets and double-click it to set it to true.

    *enter about:support in the address bar, or click on the Help menu > More Troubleshooting Information, then scroll to the Profile Folder line and click on Open Folder. Usually it’s C:\Users\~USERNAME~\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\~PROFILENAME~

    *Note: the first 2 lines about tab height might not work if you don’t have the Playing/Muted text line in tabs disabled. To disable that line go to about:config, search for browser.tabs.secondaryTextUnsupportedLocales, and add ,en (or the relevant language that you’re using in your system) at the end of the value for it then click Enter and restart Firefox to apply the change.

    Here’s the userChrome I use (compiled from different sources)

    /*    Tabs/Tab Bar height    */
    :root {
     --tab-min-height: 20px !important;
     --tab-max-height: 20px !important;
    /*    Menu Bar height    */
    #toolbar-menubar {
      margin-top: 0px !important;
      margin-bottom: 0px !important;
      padding-top: 0px !important;
      padding-bottom: 0px !important;
      line-height: 22px !important;
      max-height: 22px !important;
    /* Fixing title bar buttons (close/min/max) due to shortened Menu Bar height */
    #toolbar-menubar .titlebar-button {
      padding-block: 1px !important;
    /* toolbar/address bar/url bar height  */
    /* https://github.com/CarterSnich/firefox-xtra-compact/blob/master/chrome/userChrome.css */
    toolbar#nav-bar {
    	max-height: 30px !important;
    hbox#urlbar {
    	min-height: 22px !important;
    hbox#urlbar:not([focused="true"]) {
    	max-height: 22px !important;
    /*    Menu Items height/padding    */
    menupopup > menu, /* this is the sub-menus/folders/containers */
    menupopup > menuitem {
      padding-block: 3px !important; /* above and below each item */
      margin-left: 0px !important; /* margin is the outer space around an item */
      padding-left: 8px !important; /* padding is the inner space inside an item */
      margin-right: 0px !important;
      padding-right: 7px !important; /* otherwise some text in menus gets cut off with ellipses */
    /* the padding of the menu itself */
    menupopup {
      --panel-padding: 1px !important;
    /* the text part of the item/sub-menu */
    menupopup > menu > hbox, /* this is the text part of the sub-menus/folders/containers */
    menupopup > menuitem > hbox {
      margin-left: 0px !important;
      margin-right: 8px !important; /* otherwise some text in menus gets cut off with ellipses */
    menuseparator {
      padding-block: 0px !important;
    --arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 1px 1px !important;
    --arrowpanel-menuitem-margin-inline: 1px !important;
    --arrowpanel-menuitem-padding-block: 1px !important;
    --panel-separator-margin-horizontal: 1px !important;
    --panel-subview-body-padding-block: 1px !important;
    /*(The 2nd number in the first line refers to the left side and right side of the item)*/
    /*    Spacing/padding around addons icons in the toolbar/urlbar    */
    :root {
      --toolbarbutton-outer-padding: 0px !important;
      --toolbarbutton-inner-padding: 7px !important;
    .toolbaritem-menu-buttons {
      margin-inline: 0px !important;
      margin-inline-start: 0px !important;
      margin-inline-end: 0px !important;
    #tabs-newtab-button {
      padding-left: 3px !important;

  • Especially for sleeping issues, but also for eye strain, I recommend using a program like flux (for a computer) that allows you to set the color temperature for the day and the gradually lower it further at evening and night. This along with dimming or using different lower temperature lightbulbs in the evening/night (not being exposed to bright/florescent lights) really helped me with falling asleep.

    edit: also, lowering the brightness on the monitor itself (mine is set to 27) and in the graphics card control panel (39 for me), and then manually lowering it further in the evening/night in the control panel (25>15>9>0 is how I do it)