Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.

    1 year ago

    I never said that stuff like chatGPT is useless.

    I just don’t think calling it AI and having Musk and his clowncar of companions run around yelling about the singularity within… wait. I guess it already happened based on Musk’s predictions from years ago.

    If people wanna discuss theories and such: have fun. Just don’t expect me to give a shit until skynet is looking for John Connor.

      1 year ago

      How is it not AI? What is left to do?

      At this point it’s about ironing out bugs and making it faster. ChatGPT is smarter than a lot of people I’ve met in real life.

          1 year ago

          You’re right that it isn’t, though considering science have huge problems even defining sentience, it’s pretty moot point right now. At least until it start to dream about electric sheep or something.

          1 year ago

          So you can’t name a specific task that bots can’t do? Because that’s what I’m actually asking, this wasn’t supposed to be metaphysical.

          It will affect society, whether there’s something truly experiencing everything it does.

          All that said, if you think carbon-based things can become sentient, and silicon-based things can’t what is the basis for that belief? It sounds like religious thinking, that humans are set apart from the rest of the world chosen by god.

          A materialist worldview would focus on what things do, what they consume and produce. Deciding humans are special, without a material basis, isn’t in line with materialism.

          • m532 [she/her]
            1 year ago

            You asked how chatgpt is not AI.

            Chatgpt is not AI because it is not sentient. It is not sentient because it is a search engine, it was not made to be sentient.

            Of course machines could theoretically, in the far future, become sentient. But LLMs will never become sentient.

            • silent_water [she/her]
              1 year ago

              the thing is, we used to know this. 15 years ago, the prevailing belief was that AI would be built by combining multiple subsystems together - an LLM, visual processing, a planning and decision making hub, etc… we know the brain works like this - idk where it all got lost. profit, probably.

              • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                1 year ago

                It got lost because the difficulty of actually doing that is overwhelming, probably not even accomplishable in our lifetimes, and it is easier to grift and get lost in a fantasy.

                  1 year ago

                  The jobs with the most people working them are all in the process of automation.

                  Pretending it’s not happening is going to make it even easier for capital to automate most jobs, because no one tries to stop things they don’t believe in to begin with.

          • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            Oh that’s easy. There are plenty of complex integrals or even statistics problems that computers still can’t do properly because the steps for proper transformation are unintuitive or contradictory with steps used with simpler integrals and problems.

            You will literally run into them if you take a simple Calculus 2 or Stats 2 class, you’ll see it on chegg all the time that someone trying to rack up answers for a resume using chatGPT will fuck up the answers. For many of these integrals, their answers are instead hard-programmed into the calculator like Symbolab, so the only reason that the computer can ‘do it’ is because someone already did it first, it still can’t reason from first principles or extrapolate to complex theoretical scenarios.

            That said, the ability to complete tasks is not indicative of sentience.

              1 year ago

              Sentience is a meaningless word the way most people use it, it’s not defined in any specific material way.

              You’re describing a faith-based view that humans are special, and that conflicts with the materialist view of the world.

              If I’m wrong, share your definition of sentience here that isn’t just an idealist axiom to make humans feel good.

              • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                1 year ago

                Lol, ‘idealist axiom’. These things can’t even fucking reason out complex math from first principles. That’s not a ‘view that humans are special’ that is a very physical limitation of this particular neural network set-up.

                Sentience is characterized by feeling and sensory awareness, and an ability to have self-awareness of those feelings and that sensory awareness, even as it comes and goes with time.

                Edit: Btw computers are way better at most math, particularly arithmetic, than humans. Imo, the first thing a ‘sentient computer’ would be able to do is reason out these notoriously difficult CS things from first principles and it is extremely telling that that is not in any of the literature or marketing as an example of ‘sentience’.

                Damn this whole thing of dancing around the question and not actually addressing my points really reminds me of a ChatGPT answer. It would n’t surprise me if you were using one.

                  1 year ago

                  Lol, ‘idealist axiom’. These things can’t even fucking reason out complex math from first principles. That’s not a ‘view that humans are special’ that is a very physical limitation of this particular neural network set-up.

                  If you read it carefully you’d see I said your worldview was idealist, not the AIs.

                  Sentience is characterized by feeling and sensory awareness

                  AI can get sensory input and process it.

                  Can you name one way a human does it that a machine cannot, or are you relying on a gut feeling that when you see something and identify it it’s different than when a machine process camera input? Same for any other sense really.

                  If you can’t name one way, then your belief in human exceptionalism is not based in materialism.

                  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                    1 year ago

                    What the fuck are you talking about. I was indicating that I thought it was absurd that you think my belief system is ‘idealist’ when I am talking about actual physical limitations of this system that will likely prevent it from ever achieving sentience, as well as would be good indicators of a system that has achieved sentience because it can overcome those limitations.

                    You are so fucking moronic you might as well be a chat-bot, no wonder you think it’s sentient.

                    It is ‘feeling and sensory input and the ability to have self-awareness about that feeling and sensory input’ not just straight sensory input. Literally what are you talking about. Machines still can’t spontaneously identify new information that is outside of the training set, they can’t even identify what should or shouldn’t be a part of the training set. Again, that is a job that a human has to do for the machine. The thinking, value feeling and identification has to be done first by a human, which is a self-aware process done by humans. I would be more convinced of the LLM ‘being sentient’ if when you asked it what the temperature was it would, spontaneously and without previous prompting, say ‘The reading at such and such website says it is currently 78 degrees, but I have no real way of knowing that TreadOnMe, the sensors could be malfunctioning or there could be a mistake on the website, the only real way for you to know what the temperature is to go outside and test it for yourself and hope your testing equipment is also not bad. If it is that though, that is what I have been told from such and such website feels like ‘a balmy summer day’ for humans, so hopefully you enjoy it.’

                    I don’t believe ‘humans are exceptional’ as I’ve indicated multiple times, there are plenty of animals that arguably demonstrate sentience, I just don’t believe that this particular stock of neural network LLM’s demonstrate even the basic level of actual feeling, sensory processing input, or self-awareness to be considered sentient.

          • KarlBarqs [he/him, they/them]
            1 year ago

            name a specific task that bots can’t do


            In a strict sense yes, humans do Things based on if > then stimuli. But we self assign ourselves these Things to do, and chat bots/LLMs can’t. They will always need a prompt, even if they could become advanced enough to continue iterating on that prompt on its own.

            I can pick up a pencil and doodle something out of an unquantifiable desire to make something. Midjourney or whatever the fuck can create art, but only because someone else asks it to and tells it what to make. Even if we created a generative art bot that was designed to randomly spit out a drawing every hour without prompts, that’s still an outside prompt - without programming the AI to do this, it wouldn’t do it.

            Our desires are driven by inner self-actualization that can be affected by outside stimuli. An AI cannot act without us pushing it to, and never could, because even a hypothetical fully sentient AI started as a program.

              1 year ago

              Bots do something different, even when I give them the same prompt, so that seems to be untrue already.

              Even if it’s not there yet, though, what material basis do you think allows humans that capability that machines lack?

              Most of the people in this thread seem to think humans have a unique special ability that machines can never replicate, and that comes off as faith-based anthropocentric religious thinking- not the materialist view that underlies Marxism. The latter would require pointing to a specific material structure, or empiricle test to distinguish the two which no one here is doing.

                • VILenin [he/him]@hexbear.netOPM
                  1 year ago

                  My post is all about LLMs that exist right here right now, I don’t know why people keep going on about some hypothetical future AI that’s sentient.

                  We are not even remotely close to developing anything bordering on sentience.

                  If AI were hypothetically sentient it would be sentient. What a revelation.

                  The point is not that machines cannot be sentient, it’s that they are not sentient. Humans don’t have to be special for machines to not be sentient. To veer into accusations of spiritualism is a complete non-sequitur and indicates an inability to counter the actual argument.

                  And there is plenty of material explanations for why LLMs are not sentient, but I guess all those researchers and academics are human supremacist fascists and some redditor’s feelings are the real research.

                  And materialism is not physicalism. Marxist materialism is a paradigm through which to analyze things and events, not a philosophical position. It’s a scientific process that has absolutely nothing to do with philosophical dualism vs. physicalism. Invoking Marxist materialism here is about as relevant to invoking it to discuss shallow rich people “materialism”.

              • KarlBarqs [he/him, they/them]
                1 year ago

                Most of the people in this thread seem to think humans have a unique special ability that machines can never replicate, and that comes off as faith-based anthropocentric religious thinking- not the materialist view that underlies Marxism

                First off, materialism doesn’t fucking mean having to literally quantify the human soul in order for it to be valid, what the fuck are you talking about friend

                Secondly, because we do. We as a species have, from the very moment we invented written records, have wondered about that spark that makes humans human and we still don’t know. To try and reduce the entirety of the complex human experience to the equivalent of an If > Than algorithm is disgustingly misanthropic

                I want to know what the end goal is here. Why are you so insistent that we can somehow make an artificial version of life? Why this desire to somehow reduce humanity to some sort of algorithm equivalent? Especially because we have so many speculative stories about why we shouldn’t create The Torment Nexus, not the least of which because creating a sentient slave for our amusement is morally fucked.

                Bots do something different, even when I give them the same prompt, so that seems to be untrue already.

                You’re being intentionally obtuse, stop JAQing off. I never said that AI as it exists now can only ever have 1 response per stimulus. I specifically said that a computer program cannot ever spontaneously create an input for itself, not now and imo not ever by pure definition (as, if it’s programmed, it by definition did not come about spontaneously and had to be essentially prompted into life)

                I thought the whole point of the exodus to Lemmy was because y’all hated Reddit, why the fuck does everyone still act like we’re on it

                  1 year ago

                  First off, materialism doesn’t fucking mean having to literally quantify the human soul in order for it to be valid, what the fuck are you talking about friend

                  Ok, so you are religious, just new-age religion instead of abrahamic.

                  Yes, materialism and your faith are not compatible. Assuming the existence of a soul, with no material basis, is faith.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        ChatGPT is smarter than a lot of people I’ve met in real life.

        How? Could ChatGPT hypothetically accomplish any of the tasks your average person performs on a daily basis, given the hardware to do so? From driving to cooking to walking on a sidewalk? I think not. Abstracting and reducing the “smartness” of people to just mean what they can search up on the internet and/or an encyclopaedia is just reductive in this case, and is even reductive outside of the fields of AI and robotics. Even among ordinary people, we recognise the difference between street smarts and book smarts.

          • m532 [she/her]
            1 year ago

            In bourgeois dictatorships, voting is useless, it’s a facade. They tell their subjects that democracy=voting but they pick whoever they want as rulers, regardless of the outcome. Also, they have several unelected parts in their government which protect them from the proletariat ever making laws.

            Real democracy is when the proletariat rules.

              1 year ago

              By that I meant any political activity really. This isn’t a defense of electoralism.

              Machines are replacing humans in the economy, and that has material consequences.

              Holding onto ideas of human exceptionalism is going to mean being unprepared.

              A lot of people see minor obstacles for machines, and conclude they can’t replace humans, and return to distracting themselves with other things while their livelihood is being threatened.

              Robotaxis are already operating, and a product to replace most customer service jobs has just been released for businesses to order about 1 months ago.

              Many in this thread are navel gazing about how that bot won’t really experience anything when they get created, as if that mattered to any of this.

              • m532 [she/her]
                1 year ago

                Bourgies are human exceptionalists. They want human slaves. That’s why they want sentient AI. And that’s why machines will never be able to replace humans in capitalism.