growing your own vegetable and fruit garden in the backyard of your house which you own,
What’s funny is I started doing that years ago less for the reduced carbon footprint of growing stuff that actually thrives in my local climate compared to buying produce from a grocer and more as a zen-finding exercise so [redacted]
As in a natural wetland, flooding a rice field cuts off the oxygen supply from the atmosphere to the soil, which results in anaerobic fermentation of soil organic matter. Methane is a major end product of anaerobic fermentation. It is released from submerged soils to the atmosphere by diffusion and ebullition and through roots and stems of rice plants. Recent global estimates of emission rates from wetland rice fields range from 20 to 100 Tg/yr (IPCC 1992), which corresponds to 6-29% of the total annual anthropogenic methane emission.
What’s funny is I started doing that years ago less for the reduced carbon footprint of growing stuff that actually thrives in my local climate compared to buying produce from a grocer and more as a zen-finding exercise so [redacted]
gardening is cool mainly bc it encourages people to eat plants but for most foods the carbon footprint impact of growing locally is basically nothing
still wut