Starting to feel pretty fucking precious that this is the only imperialist country that doesn’t have a burning flag emoji on account of it having a religious symbol on it

Meanwhile the IOF is plastering it all over their war crimes

Don’t tell me aboutidf-cool. That’s some weak-ass shit

Add the israel-cool flag now

  • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    someone literally stole a free Palestine sign out of the only Muslim teacher on staff’s room

    I’m sorry to hear that, being a Muslim in the west is a struggle that is often invisible to people, because there was never a civil rights movement in the west based around Islam. There are no Oscar-winning movies about Muslims winning a Supreme Court case, or getting a constitutional amendment passed.

    But on the “burning star of David” issue, I would ask you to reconsider. Many Jews around the world are not zionists, and in fact many oppose zionism and especially the genocide Israel is currently carrying out in Gaza. Burning the star of David comes across, at first glance, the same as burning a cross on the lawn of a black person. It will draw in the wrong crowd, no matter the intention.

    Also, I would never support having an emote displaying the prophet Muhammad. Why? Because there are 2 billion Muslims in the world and most of them are wonderful people. Are there a handful of reactionary, theocratic governments led by Muslim clerics, who have ruthlessly crushed socialist movements? Yes. Erdoğan is an asshole, and his attempt to destroy secularism and socialism in Turkey is despicable. But just because Erdoğan is using Islam for evil, as part of his right-wing ideology, that does not mean Islam itself is evil. It does not mean we should post cartoons of Muhammad everywhere, to spite Erdoğan. Being “precious” about posting pictures of Muhammad is, in truth, a sign of respect to Muslim comrades, not a tacit approval of right-wing Islamic theocracies. It’s a complex issue, but I trust WhyEssEff’s judgement.

    • D3FNC [any]
      1 year ago

      there was never a civil rights movement in the west based around Islam.

      Malcolm X: am i a joke to you???
