Starting to feel pretty fucking precious that this is the only imperialist country that doesn’t have a burning flag emoji on account of it having a religious symbol on it
Meanwhile the IOF is plastering it all over their war crimes
Don’t tell me about. That’s some weak-ass shit
Add the israel-cool flag now
What are you talking about? We don’t even have that, lol
We don’t but I think our kind and patient emote Czar would be happy to add that
Okay? I should settle for a hypothetical thing that might possibly exist at some point? I’ll get right on that
You are being obtuse, talking to you is like a prison. You can request it and it’ll probably be added within the day.
You are welcome to stop talking at any time
I’m hoping that you can be dissuaded from this absurd badgering about having a little cartoon with the star of david burning. Literally just put in a request for a proxy and it’ll be fine.