Holy shit could you imagine someone settling in someone else’s home? Who would do such an awful thing?
honestly its probably at least part of the reason they did it, for jokes later
This is what “committed to the bit” looks like irl lmao
deleted by creator
Oh they’re doing a bit, just not for the right reasons
The interviews of the settlers from this includes the phrase “for some reason they took all our shoes.”
Is it murder to kill something that doesnt have consciousness or the ability to think?
tragedy as HAMAS painted tunnels onto sides of buildings, causing countless traffic fatalities
Jokes aside, can you imagine how fucking weird an experience that was for those Gaza civilians?! I bet “surreal” doesn’t even begin to cover it.
You may find yourself living in a concentration camp
You may find yourself a teenage orphan due to constant bombing
You may find yourself escaping from said concentration camp
You may find yourself in your family’s old hometown, watching Netflix on a flat-screen TV
And you may ask yourself,
كيف وصلت إلى هنا؟
You may find yourself living in a concentration camp
Or born and raised your whole life in one!
same as it ever was
Seriously, getting out of jail after even a night in is a surreal experience
This is like that multiplied exponentially
There’s a good Brazilian show called 3% that is an exploration into apartheid like that. With a small portion of the population living in excess luxury while the vast majority live in slums.
In that show at least, the reaction of the revolutionary characters was to either build up a local cooperative or violently destroy the rich. Which ended up being inevitable after their cooperative was blown up by a drone sent by the rich.
Palestinians found to have set every clock in Israel to being 5 min late. Israel responds by carpet nuking orphanages. German government condemns Palestinians for crimes against humanity
why are all those beds outside?
the danger of arabs’ temporary freedoms
This pathetic rationalizing to get people to be okay with mass slaughter unfortunately says more about the supporters of the mass slaughter than it does about the propagandist, also it’s among the reasons I hate libs. For the last several decades, basically:
IDF: Shoots a Palestinian kid
Libs: “I don’t know how I feel about this”
IDF: “He threw a rock”
Libs: “Oh okay there we go”
only because its brown people too. as soon as white children are harmed in any way, every liberal is quick to call it a crime against humanity and throw a few flags in their twitter bio.
I don’t know, I suspect if a white kid threw a rock at a cop here and got shot there would be a sizable number of
“Play stupid games…”
Remember the white guy who got shot AFTER the police said on recording that he was holding a PHONE and one of the defenses used was “The phone could have been used to activate a bomb”? After that I’m ready to believe that USians would side with the cops no matter what.
USians would side with the cops no matter what
yeah they haven’t been any fuss over the white teens the cops have shot over here. for the ‘flags in bio’ its gotta be foreign-enemy states or groups, if its white cops on unarmed whites its Back The Blue the whole way