In my search for knowledge about piracy and the dastardly fellows who partake in it, I came across an issue. How do these pirates attain nintendo switch games? i can’t seem to understand. may anyone who is well versed in this topic provide some knowledge? much appreciated.
The first batch of Nintendo switch (millions and millions) have an unpatchable flaw that allows the owner to run whatever he wants. They use this flaw to run a program that simply extracts the files from the game cartridge
I should mod my switch hahaha
Are you trying to be subtle? If not then a modded switch and a program to dump a title do the job. If you are trying to be subtle then the internet.
ripped from the console itself
deleted by creator
If it’s early release it’s a warehouse leak most likely that then gets dumped from a modded console (xci format). Some users convert xci to nsp for reasons unknown to me. Might be that switch cartridges have extra padding at the beginning/end that can be stripped to reduce file size.
Otherwise it’s just a standard dump from a modded console in either eShop (nsp) or physical (xci) format
Most of my roms are in NSP format for some reason, I’m playing with an emulator though, my switch isnt hacked.