That is one long-ass phone
You mean a long ass-phone
For people using clients that don’t recognise the link but do support markdown links
lmao, it’s a feature on samsung phones that allows you to scroll while screenshoting
Pretty sure it’s an android feature in general
I’m angry at how jerboa 0.35 still didn’t fix the problem where long screenshots don’t work.
I just wanted a search function to be able to search posts. Still not there yet
I clicked 3 upvote buttons that belonged to the screenshot before finding the real one (using liftoff)
You played me :')
Question: what lemmy client are you using ? it looks nice
Cool apps are slowly taking over! I’m tryin them all as a madman lol.
At least we won’t have to worry about ridiculous API fees!
Such a relief.
exactly this one
I think it’s liftoff
it’s liftoff)
I found out about it recently and it works fantastically well!! Previously I was using “jaroba for lemmy”
It’s lemmur, an android client for lemmy. You can find it on F-Droid.
Actually are you sure it’s not liftoff ? I just installed it and it looks the exact same
edit: ohh I think liftoff is a fork of lemmur
Lemmer merged with another app, and Liftoff is the result of that
Lemmur* (I can’t edit comments on my client so I’m doing it this way lol)
I downloaded apk from liftoff repo
oh cool I’m gonna try it, thx
edit: oh it’s no longer maintained :(
It merged with another app, the new project is now called Liftoff
Mlem is amazing in iOS
Didn’t the mlem developer quit?
One of them maybe
The original developer did, but there’s an amazing team of people working on it
yeah it looks nice, but I’m on Android
Hey it’s me!
That’s me. I am the new user with no clue of wtf is going on. context pls
Some dude made a post on AskLemmy about what foods he could eat since he needed to not poop for 3 days. He refused to elaborate on why, but also stated that anything that reduced sweating would also be helpful. I personally thought he was going to be smuggling himself across a boarder or something, but he said that it wasn’t anything like that.
Said he was going into space…
Really? Cause pooping in space sounds rad as fuck.