I remember several years ago r/Casual Conversation was brimming with interesting and candid discussion. As it gained more and more traction I saw it go through the same evolution that killed r/IAmA and r/askreddit. More popularity means more traffic, more traffic means more posts, more posts means stricter moderating, stricter moderating means less “casual” posts. Before long it was just another upvote machine, and that’s when I dipped out.
So having said that, how is your morning going? Did you do anything cool this weekend?
Chat@beehaw.org seems like what you’re looking for.
Having an good morning and had a good busy weekend. But not enough time for myself. You?
Oh wow, I completely forgot about r/casualconversation. Never subbed but I used to see it on r/all often, but it’s been years.
That said, I caught up on sleep mostly and messed around with my 3d printers. Got an appt in about an hour and couldn’t sleep last night so been up all night, lol. So much for catching up.
good!! no i didnt do naything cool except sign up for matrix and lemmy and deleted reddit :] i also got a 5 star animal crossing island
I’ll miss all the subreddits full of folks discovering identities, finding new ways to understand themselves. I hope we’ll hit a critical mass over here so folks can find themselves!