For me, I continually watch and listen to new music and guitarists - If i practice the same things over and over and over every day, I will slowly lose interest in playing. Often I find that when i learn something half decent but hit a wall, if i come back to it in 6 months, I can break through that wall easier. It’s all about fresh perspective, every day.

Even if all I do is watch some YT videos from guitar channels i follow, that can be enough inspiration on a busy day. How about you all? What keeps the inspiration flowing?

    2 years ago

    Yeah, agree that YouTube is a good motivator. I’m subscribed to a load of music channels and more often than not they’re doing something cool, or something I’ve never tried. There is a lot of “Oooh cool, I want to do that” and somehow I never get bored that way. “Practice” is a word that fills me with dread and the idea of endlessly playing scales, but YouTube pushing me to do things that are hard but interesting doesn’t feel like practice (even though it is).