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Thought this was an interesting question and I’m sure there’s lots of suggestions out there.
Firefly. There is no other answer for me.
Came here to say this. The movie helped but not as much as another season.
There is nothing really close. Better off Ted is an obvious if distant number 2 for me.
Firefly!!! FFS this should always be the #1 answer
Agreed. This is always my immediate response.
The one true answer.
At least we got serenity to kinda tie up lose ends
I didn’t want to see them quickly tied off though, I wanted to see them expand into grand story arcs.
A reboot would be very welcome.
I am mixed. A reboot would be nice but everyone, myself included would compare it to the nostalgia in our head.
Also I have heard that Whedon is somewhat problematic now. If that is true we would probably want someone with less baggage at the helm :(Found this that I need to read to see whats up
Hopefully he isn’t an ass.
Edit: Welp I read that. It is gross. Whedon hasn’t commented on it but a whole host of his cast and crew are accusing him of lots of bad stuff including one part where they said he wasn’t allowed to be alone with Michelle Trachtenberg when she was 14.
I obviously have no idea if any or all of the accusations are true.
Thank you for posting that link. I was unaware.
I’d love to see a whole spinoff just on Book’s back story. I’m so curious about who he was and what lead him to become the Shepherd we know and love.
Was gonna say, kids these days don’t know the pain of 2000’s Fox!
The Expanse
Expanse ended on a good point. We would probably need at least 2 seasons to finish up the final trilogy. If one extra season would be all we got, I’d not want it tbh.
They could finish the series with a final season if you cut out the politics after the time jump. Really just take the last book and maybe a few parts from 7 and 8 and you could make a complete story.
Me too! So much. At least we have the comics!
Mindhunter, without a doubt.
I’m still sad when I think of what could’ve been
I wish the answer here was “Westworld”.
That first season was perfect television. And that season finale? My god. I was so excited to watch season 2 and it… just fell short on all fronts. It has its moments, but ultimately failed to measure up to that first season.
Which would have been okay, but then season 3 and 4 happened, and diluted the overall quality of the show to a point where I stopped recommending the show to anyone and just tell them to stick to S1.
I want to live in a timeline where we left off on that S1 ending wondering what could have been.
Sense8 for sure, that show was awesome but Netflix pulled the plug because apparently it was way too expensive to film.
Better off Ted
I need more Veridian Dynamics.
Also, casting Linda as Ted Lasso’s wife and having her say “Ted” was one of the most jarring experiences I’ve had watching TV. All suspension of reality was completely broken.
I noticed that too!
Veronica Mars or Gravity Falls
I second gravity falls. It’s a great show if you haven’t watched it
The VM of the original series or the VM of the movies and reboot? I think her character changes so much and I’m not sure i would want to follow her down her new, dark path.
OK, who am I kidding, I would totally watch another season.
Gravity falls
Deadwood. The movie was too little way too late.
As a HUGE deadwood fan, i agree. Its probably my overall #1 favorite show of all time. I felt like the movie was Milch calling in before his disease took him completely.
I love TNG but that is a bold statement. Of all shows you’d add one seasom to a show that already has 8. I’m impressed and bow to your superior Fandom.
Pushing Daisies
I Am Not Okay With This
Had a great first season on Netflix, then got cancelled. I think it had to do with COVID, but still, that was a horrible cliffhanger ending. Any kind of continuation would be amazing.