I can’t believe I never thought of this. Holden and Janeway would totally hook up and conquer the known galaxy.
Starfleet Command & The United Nations: “We can’t keep up with their offensive. It’s like they never sleep!”
They would be unstoppable.
They’re be like those theater masks. A sad face and an angry face.
Holden on an away mission with Tuvok would kick so much ass
Voyager’s entire security detail has been replaced… with Amos.
Worf: You have the heart of a warrior!
Amos: Really? I see assholes and just want to punch them. So I do.
The Kazon are about to have a bad time
I think you mean Folgers in your bulb!
Prax would have told Janeway to try tea, too.
The real reason Janeway hates replicator coffee: can’t taste the child labor ;)
I’ve never had Folgers. On a scale of International Roast to Leaded Petrol How bad is it really?
Aroma: boiled shoe
Taste: clay soil
Mouth feel: actually kind of pleasant
The best part of waking up
Is committing war crimes for your cup
Did someone say war crimes? 😊
The difference between necessary and sufficient requirements:
Janeway: let’s go into that dangerous nebula, there’s coffee in it
Holden: I won’t be able to fight the protomolecule if I don’t drink some coffee first
The worst thing about instant coffee isn’t the taste, it’s that it has about half the caffeine compared to a brewed cup.
I always questioned why some characters disliked replicated food and thought it was just there as some sort of Luddite ideology some people have, like the way a few characters are afraid of transporters. But then I saw recently on Memory Alpha that they can adjust their resolution and replicate things that are not quite perfect. Imagine eating the 140p food 🤢
They make a nod to this on Lower Decks. The higher ranking officers have access to an entirely different replicator menu, suggesting a distinction in quality overall.
Imagine eating the 140p food
I would get tired of steamed bananas real quick. The guac and chips look okay though.