I don’t mean to unnecessarily gender this discussion. Gender here doesn’t matter. But I’m going to use gendered words as they fit the context. I want everyone’s opinion.
My dad died from bronchial cancer two days before my 12th birthday. I had to learn how to be a ‘man’ from my ill mother.
What I want to know is, if you had to import some wisdom to preteen me, about the fundamentals of life, what would it be?
I’ve barely learned to shave (and prefer a beard anyway). What can you teach me Hexbear?
I’m 32 by the way. I’m just curious.
@7bicycles@hexbear.net “Never touch triathlon bikes cuz they are soaked in piss”
Don’t go inside the silos
Work hard, but make time for your family.
“Clean your room”
Always try to maintain a clean and ordered place either workplace or living space. Wash the dishes as soon as possible, wash your clothes ASAP; if you have nothing to do, broom the floor anyways. Use an scheduler notebook or whatever of the things you gotta do. This I learned by difference from my dad, instead of by example.
Watch out when you zip up.
Be kind to others. Never be needlessly cruel.
Take it easy, life isnt a sprint.
Dont be afraid to stop and smell the daisies.
One spray of cologne only, please.
Learn how to change your oil. Learn how to fix a flat so you can get off the freeway offramp safely.I dont really have anything earth shattering because im mostly just a dumb guy myself.
While being okay with failure, or a poor outcome, please attempt to do a good job, though not a perfect job (that is impossible), on everything you do. Half-assed work often needs to be redone and redoing something is often much more work than doing it right the first time.
This one is difficult to get the tone just right on. Too harsh and one is a profectionist, either spending weeks on trivial tasks or never trying. Too light and the point will be lost to a life of busy but poor quality repairs.
The short, too harsh version is: “if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.”
Cartridge razors and shaving cream are a scam, a safety razor and gentle soap in the shower do just as good of a job way cheaper.
Old tools (incl kitchen equipment) are usually better than modern ones.
Never buy an HP printer, even if someone gives it to you. You will end up paying more in wasted time and expensive cartridges.
Be proactive with cancer screenings, esp if there’s family history, many cancers aren’t able to be reduced to non-detectable levels after the metastasize.
I havent shaved my face in ten years or so now but you’re absolutely right. A single blade, safety razor is head and shoulders above a multibladed monstrosity. Shaving cream i think depends on skin sensitivity. When i shaved i had to use stuff by aveeno because everything else made my face break out in rashes and get scabbed everywhere.
be proactive with cancer screenings.
You ain’t kidding. This year ive had 3 spots of skin cancer removed, and i have serial endoscopic procedures done 3x yearly due to my risk of esophageal cancer. Ive had some bad news this year but every single thing so far has been ‘fixable’ because it was caught early.
Lots of good non-gendered advice. My own is to stand up, and possibly to tidy something every time you walk between rooms. I find that when I’m sitting down I want to fuck around on the computer or keep doing what I’m doing, and if I stand up I’m already halfway to doing whatever chore or task I don’t want to do.
Here’s my stab at gendered advice:
- when you have power over someone, you have some kind of extra responsibility towards them. Leftist men don’t want patriarchy but it’s here nonetheless. We have to be considerate of women who may feel pressured to say or do certain things, who can’t give us the benefit of the doubt without taking a risk, etc. This extra responsibility may be comparatively small, but it still sucks. You can exercise some of that frustration by calling out sexism in male spaces and helping friends self-crit. Until women are free we won’t really be free either. Comrades of other genders, you have similar responsibilities if you find yourself a beneficiary of racism, cis/heteronormativity, etc.
- Be an active architect of your own social life. Many men sit back and wait for somebody else (often women, see 1.) to plan things. If we all do that we’re going to be alone. Because there are some slackers, you should be planning more than half of the things you do.
My manly advice:
Never bottle up your emotions. Men are allowed to express more emotions than just anger, horniness, and happiness. You are allowed to cry on a partner’s shoulder. You are allowed to feel exhausted and overworked and get a pedi because your feet hurt and drink a glass of wine while doing so. It isn’t un-manly and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
Don’t let yourself get too out of shape. Good physical health is good brain health and good brain health is improved mental health. It’s a lot harder to come back from extreme unhealthiness than it is to just maintain a base level of healthiness. If you are letting it get out of hand then you are depressed and possibly have some other issue going on.
Therapy is the best gift you can ever give yourself and I mean this sincerely. You don’t need to wait. You can go to therapy over little things. It’s no big deal. They are professionals equipped to help you acquire tools you can use to tackle a wide array of issues in your life.
Wash your ass. With soap and water. No, letting the soapy water run down your crack isn’t good enough.
Get a hobby. Video games are not a hobby. That’s a past-time. A hobby is something like woodworking or painting. It is a creative pursuit. Hobbies are king. Hobbies let you meet people into the same thing and make more adult friends. Hobbies let you trade the creative things you do with other people who do other creative things.
Learn how to do one romantic thing. Maybe it’s poetry or flower arrangements or learning little romantic classical songs on your guitar. Gay, straight, trans, queer, whatever it doesn’t matter. Learn something that helps you woo a partner and you don’t stop even after you’ve won their heart. This is what keeps the fire burning in a relationship.
Oh, and don’t worry about having your life together. That’s for old people in their retirement. Everyone else is just scrambling to make ends meet and not alienate their friends because they are too busy with everything else. We are all struggling. It’s okay. Whatever you might be going through, you’ll get through it. You’ve gotten through everything else up to this point, after all.
- wash your ass.
- wash behind your ears.
- if you’re not gonna shave your face, learn to trim your beard and keep it groomed.
- get a bidet. wash your ass.
- if you rely heavily on something (car, small engines, computer, class 4 trailer hitch), learn about it and how to maintain it as best as you can or at least how to diagnose it’s failure.
- never stop washing your ass.