Maybe December? So we all take money out of banks, at least current month salary, and spend cash only. I think that is something that shouldn’t be hard to do and it would show if we, the people, have any power left to make positive changes for the future or we can just surrender and eat bugs.
If I’m trading my only true value, my time, then I want to have 100% control over it, not to depend if some bank would freeze my account and I lost 1/3 of my life irreversible.
so nobody in a rural town was ever ‘slow’, ‘different’, or ‘blessed’, right?
I did say I’m not talking about genetic diseases, I clearly said depression, anxiety and similar modern illness. Depression is not being ‘slow’ or ‘different’, it is not be able to meet expectations you think others have from you, Anxiety is fear of future, those are illness induced by fear.
Lol tell me you’ve never read The Grapes of Wrath without telling me you’ve never read The Grapes of Wrath