I’ve been curious how many working researchers we’ve got in this community, and what you all do!
If you’re working in science (physical or social), engineering, etc in a research capacity, give a shout in the comments and let us know what you work on! Same goes for students and amateur scientists at any level. (And by amateur I mean those of you who are working on your own experiments but just not being paid for it / not working on a degree; I’m upset that “amateur” has a negative connotation, it shouldn’t.)
I’m currently a PhD candidate, working on transmission electron microscopy and electronic materials (mainly ferroelectrics). In the past I’ve been involved in research / product development in a few different industries, including medical devices, aerogels, and materials for RF devices.
I’m a PhD candidate too - my contract is finished now, but I am still writing my thesis. So I am currently at the awkward intersection of finishing a thesis and looking for a job.
My PhD focus is in applying time-resolved spectroscopy techniques to study the excited state dynamics of molecules. Basically, these are experiments in which a pulsed laser is used to excite the sample and a second probe light is used to measure a change in the absorption in response to the light. By measuring these changes in the absorption as a function of time, and applying quantum chemical techniques to calculate the spectra of potential intermediates, one can sort of recreate a molecular movie of what the molecule is doing after it absorbs light with a time resolution of femto to picoseconds. The materials that I study are organic dyes that are useful for microscopy, as well as molecules that respond to EUV light for applications in photonanolithography (for making the very small transistors in computer chips).
I am also an “amateur” scientist when it comes to biology, as many of my hobbies are nature-based and it’s not like I can turn off the science bug when it comes to hobbies.
Well that’s fascinating! The technique sounds a little bit like a cross between Raman and EXAFS/XANES? (Probably just because those are two techniques I happen to be familiar with though.)
Development engineer working with autonomous vehicles.
Worst part of it is having to interact with Tesla bros who think that they have self-driving figured out despite what experts in the field tell them.
Best part of it is being able to code functionality then sit down inside an actual physical vehicle and see, hear, and feel it act out what you programmed. Incredibly satisfying.
I’m a professor of chemistry, I mainly do organometallic research but we’ve been branching out into other areas.
@sensibilidades @realChem MOFs are hot
I’m a research professor of neurology, and my research focuses on developing novel cognitive assessments for measuring early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
That’s a field where it seems (to an outsider) like a lot has been happening recently! Glad to have you here!
You’d be correct! The new anti-amyloid drugs are very exciting, and it makes my work on preclinical Alzheimer’s even more fulfilling as it can have a real impact on getting people tested and treated as early as possible.
I’m working on my Astrophysics PhD. I study “galactic cannibalism” aka how galaxies grow and change by eating smaller galaxies. My big focus is on teaching and outreach though rather than research.
Cool! Is this the kind of thing that’s going to happen between Andromeda and the Milky-way, or is that fundamentally different because they’re more similar in size?
Yep, MW and Andromeda merger will be a “major merger” that will have huge effects on both galaxies. The ones I work with are small (“dwarf”) galaxies that have a much smaller effect on the big one that eats them.
I work in mine closure. I create plans to re-integrate them back into the surrounding landscape, and provide valuable end land uses (not just those centred around ecosystem re-establishment).
working in a cultivated meat startup, msc in biotechnology, but now disillusioned and wanting to do something academic/more down to earth and helpful
If it’s not too personal, may I ask what lead to your disillusionment with the field? “Lab grown” meat (assuming that’s what you mean by cultivated) has seemed like a promising idea to me for a while, in terms of environmental impact and the ethical consideration of animals.
That doesn’t feel helpful to you?
no, the technology is underdeveloped, and very resource intensive. I don’t think it is a viable alternative at all. Better to just eat what grows from the ground than spend so much time, money, energy forcing cells that don’t want to grow in such an artificial environment. I’ve also started to notice how it seems to be quite tied to EA and longtermism crowd, who are investing in it a lot.
True. It could still have benefits from a vegetarian or conservation perspective, though.
Have you thought about trying to get into genetically modified plant crops, then?
I did consider it yes, but those companies are evil too, they make a farmer reliant on a super crop that can’t produce its own seeds, and then make a mint by selling them seeds every year.
I’m a Mechanical Engineer who designs automation equipment. Basically lots of 3-6 axis robots, multi-axis gantries, various conveyance mechanisms, and other specialized automation equipment integration. Its fun because it is a job all about things moving from point A to point B.
That sounds like a pretty fun job, yeah! A bit like a real-world puzzle game, maybe? But presumably with more freedom to do what needs to be done to get things from A to B efficiently.
It’s kind of like designing Lego but with weldments, extruded aluminum, cylinders, servos, and any other number of components.
I’m a staff bioinformatics scientist at an academic institution, got my PhD a few years ago and wasn’t interested in a postdoc. I get to work on a huge range of research questions and lots of different technologies. It’s great!
Oh that’s rad! What’s it like being a staff scientist at an academic institution? I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do after I graduate – I know I’m not interested in pursuing the tenure track, but I haven’t decided if I should go back into industry / look into staff science positions national labs / etc.
It has its pros and cons — I work on lots of projects and help with parts of grant writing, but I’m not the one guiding the big research goal/question (I appreciate that the questions are interesting but don’t care that much about the question usually). Because I work on so many projects I usually only have <1 full day a week to work on each one, so progress can be slow and managing expectations can be challenging. I am paid more than a postdoc but less than I would in industry. It is expected that I will mentor undergraduate students and teach workshops. These things might make a big difference re: how much you enjoy the job. Folks in this type of position are sometimes called research software engineers: https://society-rse.org/
Huh, that’s really interesting. I do like teaching, so that part sounds appealing (as does getting paid more than a postdoc!), so maybe it’s a route I’ll consider going forward. Thanks for your insight!
Sounds cool, do you have any tips on what kinds of skills you need for a bioinformatics position? I have a background in biology, but some CS knowledge I have learnt myself, programming (unfortunately mainly python for now), linux, deploying stuff with docker, etc.
This all sounds like a solid start tbh, if you learn pandas and bio python i feel like you are basically there
I’m a PhD candidate in inorganic and biochemistry! Loving the chem representation here, and loving OP’s username.
I work at a company that makes large and small rocket engines (e.g., the ones on SLS/Artemis, and solids for a number of defense programs), and various electrical power systems (e.g., for the ISS and some of the Mars rovers). I manage the space software engineering organization.
Look at this rocket surgeon, over here. SMDH.
I’m just a software/systems guy; I work with a lot of genuine rocket scientists - they’re fun to work with.
Oh wow, that’s fascinating! I imagine you have to be very careful with software reliability for that kind of project?
It looks like you’ve already found the space community as well! (But for anyone else who might not have: https://beehaw.org/c/space)
I’m an associate professor in computer science, currently working on stochastic algorithms (like genetic algorithms).
Until now, I’ve been working on quite abstract optimization problems, but I’d like to switch to more useful applications, like social inequalities or climate change.
I get that. Working on a more abstract problem should, in theory, help solve more practical problems down the line, but sometimes it just feels less satisfying that working on something where you can see the real world application and (hopefully) results. I’m definitely looking to do something practical with my experience once I’m finished with my PhD.
I’ve got a PhD in nonlinear vibrations. I’ve left academia for the space industry though.
That definitely sounds like something that could be useful in a lot of different ways - including in the space industry!
Yeah well most industries pray that everything stays all good and linear, but sadly it isn’t always the case haha. The next level is to design a structure with nonlinearities on purpose.
I studied environmental science as a major and am working in hazardous waste site remediation, water and wastewater treatment, and dabble in assisting some civil engineering projects.
@Knickknack @realChem I graduated in chemical engineering back in '83 and found myself in wastewater treatment consulting. I gradually transitioned to industrial wastewater and then hazardous waste remediation. It was a good gig! Retired in 2001, so it has probably all changed quite a bit. Good luck to you!
That’s so cool, and thank you. I often think I would have loved to study a chemistry or engineering discipline, if I had been more in touch with my abilities and interests as an 18 year old starting college. I did complete what was a newer degree at the time called environmental technology, and it was geared toward renewal energy technologies with a lot of various science based courses as backbone. But certainly, the industry has changed a lot even in the time I’ve been involved, starting as a hazardous waste site remediation project manager for an environmental consultant, then got water and wastewater treatment licenses in 2005 when I saw an opportunity to get in on an emerging sector in the company I was working for. Right now the industry is struggling for licensed professionals, even while regulators push ahead in requiring more and more use of the technology. Should be interesting to see how it develops over the coming years. Overall though, I had been very fortunate to truly enjoy my career and the industry I work in.
@Knickknack I volunteer with openaircollective.cc - focused on carbon dioxide removal, speaking of emerging sectors. It is all volunteer, and a good way to follow the burgeoning climate change mitigation realm. I’m using a lot of what I learned over the years in business to develop a wiki there: https://openairforum.org Come by some time!
Hey you know what? I saw a post about this yesterday (it was probably you!) and thought it sounded like an incredibly valuable pursuit. I will definitely check it out, thank for the links.
That’s very cool! One of my friends in undergrad did a co-op working with a wastewater / hazardous waste treatment company. It seemed like a surprisingly (to me at the time) vibrant field, with lots going on!
It’s good to hear about people giving the industry a try! There is really so much career opportunity, and it’s not going anywhere. I’ve weather multiple recessions, housing crises, economic booms and downturns in this industry and it is just steady, because it is so essential. I hope more people consider it as a career because the field is suffering for lack of licensed professionals.
Social sciences, expert/consultant position. We have our own in-house research, and collaborating with them is always good fun
Cool! So like a company that consults out on social sciences issues for other companies, and you collaborate with your in-house research team to try to answer questions your customers have?
Yeah, kinda. It’s a non-profit providing research and offering consultation on the well-being of the population. We also have a service side that provides sexual education, family planning help and relationship counseling. The data from the service side is used in conjuction with wider population data to have a peek at societal trends etc.