Located within the grounds of the Iranian embassy in Pyongyang, the Rahman Mosque was established in 1985, according to a sign posted on the outside of the building. Iran, a predominately Shia Muslim country, originally built the mosque at its North Korea embassy compound for staff-only use. But today, Muslims of all faiths can attend services at the Rahman Mosque, and the site is a key pillar of the Islamic community in Pyongyang
that hosts Friday prayers, Eid celebrations, etc for anyone interested.
Could you give me direct link or copypaste the text here? archive.is is broken for me, it makes me do a captcha and then it reloads and makes me do the captcha again instead of showing me the article…
This led me down a rabbit hole of seeing if there’s any strains of Islam in DPRK and sure enough, there is a Shia mosque on the grounds of the Iranian embassy that hosts Friday prayers, Eid celebrations, etc for anyone interested.
pretty neat
Could you give me direct link or copypaste the text here? archive.is is broken for me, it makes me do a captcha and then it reloads and makes me do the captcha again instead of showing me the article…
Sure, here ya go. Typical lib takes in there but that’s where the quote is from