Rust, it is a pleasure to work with and far more flexible in where/what it can run then a lot of languages. Good oneverything from embedded systems to running on the web. Only really C and C++ can beat it on that, but those are farlesss pleasant to work with. Even if it is not as mature in some area quite yet, it just gets more support for things as time goes on.
I have been wanting to get into Rust, but as an Electronics Engineer I essentially only have experience coding on embedded devices along with python scripting for test automation and data processing (fuck MATLAB lol)
I am not a good at coding by any stretch. Everything I find on rust focuses on rust user-level or OS-level applications. Most of those concepts I don’t follow well enough in any case.
Do you know of where I can follow tutorials, find more information, and dive into HALs for embedded applications?
Rust actually has a shockingly good embedded story for some parts. ST-micro is very well covered. Espressif has first party support. Nordic parts are supported by Ferrous Systems who certify rust for ISO 26262 use. Msp430 is workable, but requires a fair bit of knowledge. The story is less good for anything else that’s not a Cortex part. RiscV is definitely getting there though.
Ferrous systems knurling is actually a pretty incredible set of tools. I’d argue that they’re a better experience than most command-line c environments.
They also have some pretty good walkthroughs for the Nordic and Espressif parts.
Perfect, I develop mostly on ST, Espressif, and some Nordic! I will check it out!
I would start by learning rust at a user level via the rust book to get you familiar with the language without the extra layers that embedded systems tend to add on top of things. Keep in mind that the embedded space in rust is still maturing, though it is maturing quite quickly. However one of the biggest limitations ATM is the amount of architectures available - if you need to target one not supported then you cannot use rust ATM (though there is quite a few different projects bringing in support for more architectures).
If you only need to use architectures that rust supports than once you have the basics of rust down take a look at the embedded book, the Discovery book and the Embedonomicon. Then there are various crates for different boards such as ruduino for the arduino uno, or the rp-pico for the raspberry pi pico, or various other crates for specific boards. There are also higher and lower level crates for things - like ones specific to a dev board and ones that are specific to a chipset.
Lastly, there are embedded frameworks like Embassy that are helpful for more complex applications.
If you have an avr you could just use avr-hal.
The documentation is ok and if you used to work with arduino it should be straight forward.
DotNet Core as a whole (C# + F# + other languages that are being ported to compile down to a DotNet binary).
Because it has all the things Java promised us - frictionless, painless, cross-platform programs - but is implementing it far better than Java ever could.
Honestly, DotNet Core is now at least a half-decade or more ahead of Java in terms of the base platform and C# language functionality/ease-of-use. The only advantage Java has at this point is it’s community ecosystem of third-party features and programs.
I remember my first job working with C# - this was the common sentiment: it’s a Java that is better than Java at being Java. I mostly agree with that.
Try using Kotlin some day, though. I consider that language to be even better than C#, and it additionally gets to leverage the JVM ecosystem.
Kotlin > C# > Java, in my book
I’ve been meaning to give F# a go but I never seem to get around to it. Seems like an interesting language
Get around to it, F# is fantastic! 😄
And you can even run it in the browser with Blazor! Love C#
You may explained it unprecisley or simply wrong. You can not run it in browser. It is done on web Server side like PHP. In browser you run JavaScript.
You should do some research on
.You can run frickin’ docker containers in the browser now.
I don’t make the rules.
Nope. You can compile it to web assembly and run it in the browser.
And those are enormous advantages. It will also get you a lot more jobs. I see Java jobs everywhere. I barely see C job postings at all.
C, because it can run everywhere and I won’t be limited on the things I can make
Lisp, the language that has them all.
If I can choose a single language that’d be lisp. Very beautiful to write.
Python. I’m in data science. Sure I could write all that code in C or C++, but my time spent coding all that extra boilerplate is better spent on analysis.
C, can build any other language from that :D
And if i am gonna be miserable, may as well inflict as many vulnerabities on everyone else while I am at it.
I’d probably pick something esoteric and then just stop programming, tbh. I enjoy being a polyglot programmer, and learning many languages and learning from many ecosystems is incredibly interesting to me, far more than hyper-specializing in a single language would be.
It would be C++. Its versatile enough to do everything with it.
- It covers all bases, from embedded to backend to webdev to gamedev.
- I could create libraries with it, which can be called from other languages.
- It’s good.
Scala. Expressive, concise, can scale from simple to sophisticated. Sufficiently powerful - has metaprogramming, advanced types. Runs on a world-class runtime and takes advantage of a huge, mature package ecosystem that isn’t going anywhere.
“Sufficiently powerful” is a bit of an understatement when it comes to Scala. Honestly may have a bit too many features for my taste, it’s not a small language
Actually the language is quite small. The features, it has, are just quite powerful and have huge synergies so that it seems that you have a lot of complex features. It has a lot of weird corner case stuff, but most of that is because of the jvm and other languages have that too unfortunately.
That’s a good point about the synergies, something like eg. a type system that’s expressive enough to be Turing-complete is going to have some effects. You’re right that it might just feel like a “kitchen sink language” due to complexity of the features it has, but then again I suppose it’s sort of one and the same where a language’s complexity comes from.
But it’s no Swift, at least; now that language really does have everything and the kitchen sink.
Seconded. The metaprogramming aspect of Scala is getting better and better.
Likely either C or C++, both languages have been around for a long time and both are still used in huge projects
I see that user name
For me it would be C/C++.
C, because I can find a compiler or interpreter for other language written in C (I may need to run a few steps to get there), and thus work around your silly and nonsense question. Seriously, I use multiple languages because there is no one true language to rule them all. I use C++ for problems where bash would be wrong, and bash where C++ would be wrong. And some python, cmake, lua mixed in for good measure. I’m looking at Rust to add (rust doesn’t like the way our system designed so it is hard to figure out how to implement it)
I’m already resigned to using C for the rest of my life 🤷🏻♂️
What bucket of that are you in? There are a lot of different reasons people take your position.
Personally, I just do modding for games as far as using my programming knowledge. C is used damn near everywhere, does pretty much anything I can think of and it’s easy to work with.