What a charming person, I would love to run him over with a steamroller.
Good job reinforcing the stereotype that transgender people are violent and mentally unstable.
Under the steamroller with you! There’s no stopping the gay agenda! mwhahahahaha
Let’s not pretend that you actually give a damn about transgender people. This is just concern trolling.
Good job reinforcing the fact that transphobes are dumb as shit
How dare you be upset when you are insulted!
Really? Jokes about steam roller counts as violence? Those Looney Toon be a real scary show for ya? Wild they make it for kids.
Shame on you. Feign your mock outrage and cry those crocodile tears, for the rest of us are laughing at the sad transparency.
In what world is driving a steamroller over someone not violent? How would you like it if someone made a meme about driving a steamroller over transgender people?
🐊 😭
You’re reaching and you know it.
You didn’t answer my question.
Because it’s a very silly question, one that I’m not going to entertain because…
Do you really think this person is out renting a steam roller? And trying to find the street address of that person now?!
You are steching so hard to call this a violent threat when it could not be more silly. You’re not motivated by “preventing violence”, because the entire premise here is ridiculous at face value. You’re motivated by wanting to call trans people unstable.
Go tell your friends, your boss, your family you stopped someone from getting killed by a steam roller by saying “tut tut, ur crazy” on the internet. You know damn well they are gonna laugh at you.
So I presume if someone posted a comment saying “I’d love to roll him over with a steamroller” under a post about a transgender person, you would not consider that a violent threat because they are not going to actually get a steamroller?
I’ve filed a report to GitHub on this guy, I assume you did the same but ugh, people suck.
Lol, if we start excluding tech based on the inventors mental illnesses we are gonna end up bashing rocks together to make fire.
Pretty much lol. RMS went off the deep end so no GNU, Torvalds used to call people devil cunts so no Linux kernel. Theo probably did something to upset somebody lol. Maybe we can just use TempleOS and become computing hermits?
Goes back further than that, Turing was gay, so anything building off his works must also be transitively gay.
To add to the modern examples, Reiser murdered his wife, which really puts “devil cunts” into perspective :D
Goes back another 100 years before that. Lovelace was a woman, who in her time wasn’t supposed to be doing anything at all
Well, using the same metrics would mean TempleOS is waaaaay out of the question.
Except all our hardware is made by major corporationw and there are no major corporations that work totally ethically and morally
RISC-V is a good start though
let me tell you about the guy who invented bashing rocks together …
.>calling being trans a mental illness
incredibly sus ngl
The original post called it a mental illness, i was following that. Apologies if I caused offence it was not intended.
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The original post referred to it as a mental illness, and claimed that was a reason to ignore their contribution. I was simply pointing out the silliness of that logic. I dont think its a mental illness, amd I have absolutely no problem with the trans community.
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I didnt say anything about trans people in my original comment, and deliberately didnt quote the original post as its language disgusts me. Again, sorry for any offence caused, it was not intentional.
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Being trans is not a mental illness but let’s not encourage stigma around mental illness either.
Cis people with mental illness are valid
Trans people with mental illness are valid
Mentally healthy trans people are valid
Mentally healthy cis people are valid
Ah, the James Damore archetype of an engineer. I bet they get wet dreams imagining themselves as the Howard Roark of programming (and just as delusional).
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Well I hate GNOME personally but it’s just because of its philosophy: Opinionated software. They prefer removing choice and forcing users to “use it as it was meant to be used”. I don’t like that because I have my own opinions and I want my software to adjust to me instead of me adjusting to the software.
I moved away from Mac too because it moved ever more in that direction: Removing choice. But I don’t hate GNOME developers or users <3 Just the product. I use KDE instead and am very happy with it. Not every product is for everyone and that is OK.
I also don’t like Systemd but I don’t use it either. So it’s fine, they can do what they want and I do what I want. I’m not a team player and not loyal to anyone or anything, just my own opinions.
I remember back when I thought all FOSS was part of the FSF, and that itself was formed of hippie liberal progressives. Had a rude awakening when I found about the MIT vs GPL rift, and then another on HN when I realised half the people in software were just there to make money.
I had a period where I didn’t really understand the GPL or what it was trying to do. All I knew is that it was ““viral”” (whatever the hell that meant!) and that, supposedly, trying to use it would forever bind you and your creation to who knows what unforeseen legal horrors. I mean, look how long it is! It’s frightening! I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it at first.
Then I got a clue and actually read it. It’s quite straightforward. For almost all serves and purposes it’s basically just MIT plus copyleft. All the legal density is just an effort to squash every conceivable loophole to the copyleft directive. I’m no longer afraid of it, I think it’s pretty cool.
The thing I want to know now is why so many projects think their shit don’t stink and that they need to pollute the FOSS ecosystem with their own stupid permissive license that is functionally identical to the MIT license.
[Completely unrelated to the content] How the heck is this post managing to crash two out of my three lemmy clients?
It’s probably Wayland
If you’re against Wayland, you are against peace freedom and democracy !! Also probably anti-Semite communist antilgbt brexiter , oh and racist of course !!
this except communism is cool and based actually